'Stop Insomnia' Self-Hypnosis Track

3-day Weekend Promotion

Friday Email

Subject: How To Stop Insomnia (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

If you want to enjoy better sleep and take your energy and wellness to the next level…

…I want to help.

My friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones, is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist who’s been featured on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and Bravo TV's "Millionaire Matchmaker."

He’s worked with celebrities, Fortune 500 CEOs, and regular folks like us.

And he just released a powerful new Self-hypnosis Audio Track called "Stop Insomnia":

=> Stop Insomnia Self-hypnosis Audio Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Dr. Steve designed this track to help you overcome mental blocks to restorative sleep and feel more alert during the day…

...and I'm happy to let you know that he’s offering this amazing new audio program for 85% OFF until Sunday midnight!

=> Stop Insomnia Self-hypnosis Audio Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Get ready for better rest as you enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Create a Healthier, More Calming Bedtime Routine
  2. Improve Your Emotional Well-Being
  3. Enjoy a Better Body Clock
  4. Untangle The Mind And Feel Instantly Relaxed
  5. Fall Asleep Faster At Night

This audio program usually sells for $69.95, but for a limited time, you can get it for JUST $9.95!

=> Stop Insomnia Self-hypnosis Audio Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Have a great weekend!

Your name

Saturday Email

Subject: Re: Key To Peaceful Sleep


I’ve been getting ‘thank you’ emails from people who’ve been tossing and turning at night.

You see, I recently shared something special with them, and one person wrote:

“FINALLY!!! Thank you so much… I haven’t slept this well in years!”

My friend Dr. Steve G. Jones, a clinical hypnotherapist, just released a brand-new Self-hypnosis Audio Track called “Stop Insomnia”…

…and you can get it for ONLY $9.95 just for this weekend (instead of the regular price of $69.95):

=> Stop Insomnia Self-hypnosis Audio Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This unique audio program is designed to optimize your mind for better sleep habits - PLUS these benefits:

  1. Create a Healthier, More Calming Bedtime Routine
  2. Improve Your Emotional Well-Being
  3. Enjoy a Better Body Clock
  4. Untangle The Mind And Feel Instantly Relaxed
  5. Fall Asleep Faster At Night

I strongly suggest that you take advantage of the 85% discount before it ends on Sunday midnight:

=> Stop Insomnia Self-hypnosis Audio Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Here’s to a well-rested and energized YOU!

Your name

Sunday Email

Subject: Last chance to get this


Just a friendly reminder that today’s your last chance to get "Stop Insomnia" for JUST $9.95:

=> Download ‘Stop Insomnia’ Self-hypnosis Audio Track NOW (Link Here)

This unique self-hypnosis program can help you:

  1. Create a Healthier, More Calming Bedtime Routine
  2. Improve Your Emotional Well-Being
  3. Enjoy a Better Body Clock
  4. Untangle The Mind And Feel Instantly Relaxed
  5. Fall Asleep Faster At Night

I highly recommend that you check this out before it goes back to the FULL price ($69.95):

=> Download ‘Stop Insomnia’ Self-hypnosis Audio Track NOW (Link Here)

Have a great day!

Your name

Note: This promotes the 'Stop Insomnia' Self-hypnosis Tracks

Additional Email (Mail Anytime)

Subject: Get ‘Stop Insomnia’ NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you’re struggling to sleep…

…here’s a quick and powerful way to help you STOP tossing and turning and enjoy restorative sleep:

>> Get 'Stop Insomnia' NOW (Link Here)

My friend, Dr. Steve G Jones, is a clinical hypnotherapist who works with Fortune 500 CEOs, celebrities, and regular folks like us.

He specializes in helping people transform on a subconscious level so they can upgrade their lives…

…and today, he wants to help YOU:

>> Get 'Stop Insomnia' NOW (Link Here)

I’ll talk to you again soon!

Your Name

'Feel Happier' Self-Hypnosis Track

3-day Weekend Promotion

Friday Email

Subject: Key to overflowing wealth

Hi [name],

If you’re struggling to be more hopeful about the future, or want to break the loop of negative thoughts playing on repeat…

…I want to help.

My friend Dr. Steve G. Jones is a clinical hypnotherapist, and he just released an immensely powerful audio program called "Feel Happier":

=> Feel Happier Self-hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Dr. Steve specializes in optimizing the human brain for success and happiness, and he’s appeared on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and Bravo TV's "Millionaire Matchmaker."

His clients include Fortune 500 CEOs, celebrities, and regular folks like us.

This is your chance to download this amazing new track so you can quickly wire your mind for happiness and mental resilience…

...and for a limited time, he’s offering this amazing new audio program at 85% OFF!

That means you have until Sunday midnight to enjoy his latest self-hypnosis track at an incredibly low price:

=> Feel Happier Self-Hypnosis Audio Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

With this track, you can:

  1. Get a Permanent Dose of Happiness
  2. Learn To Enjoy The Present
  3. Stop Overthinking And Rumination
  4. Unleash Your Inner Optimist
  5. Use Happiness to Fuel Your Success

Just for this weekend, you can get it for $9.95 instead of the regular price of $69.95!

So, make sure to check out this offer while you still can:

=> Feel Happier Self-Hypnosis Audio Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Hope you have a great weekend!

Your name

Saturday Email

Subject: Re: Your Brain on Happiness


People have been sending a lot of emails to thank me for something I recently shared with them.

One person wrote:

“THANK YOU! I’ve been struggling for quite some time, so your timing is perfect!!!”

My friend Dr. Steve G. Jones, a clinical hypnotherapist, just came out with “Feel Happier”, a powerful self-hypnosis track…

…and he’s offering it for JUST $9.95 instead of the regular price of $69.95:

=> Feel Happier Self-hypnosis Audio Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Download this track now so you can:

  1. Get a Permanent Dose of Happiness
  2. Learn To Enjoy The Present
  3. Stop Overthinking And Rumination
  4. Unleash Your Inner Optimist
  5. Use Happiness to Fuel Your Success

This is the perfect time to take advantage of the 85% discount which ends on Sunday midnight:

=> Feel Happier Self-hypnosis Audio Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Here’s to a happier and more energetic YOU!

Your name

Sunday Email

Subject: Last chance to get ‘Feel Happier’


Just wanted to let you know that you can still get "Feel Happier" for $9.95 – BUT only until TODAY:

=> Download ‘Feel Happier’ Self-hypnosis Audio Track NOW (Link Here)

This happiness-boosting audio program can help you:

  1. 1. Get a Permanent Dose of Happiness
  2. 2. Learn To Enjoy The Present
  3. 3. Stop Overthinking And Rumination
  4. 4. Unleash Your Inner Optimist
  5. 5. Use Happiness to Fuel Your Success

It goes back to the FULL price ($69.95) soon, so make sure to grab it while this limited offer is still up!

=> Download ‘Feel Happier’ Self-hypnosis Audio Track NOW (Link Here)

Take care!

Your name

Note: This promotes the 'Feel Happier' Self-hypnosis Tracks

Additional Email (Mail Anytime)

Subject: Get ‘Feel Happier’ NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you want to feel happier and more alive than you’ve ever been…

…this powerful new self-hypnosis audio program can help - in just minutes a day!

>> Get 'Feel Happier' NOW (Link Here)

My friend, Dr. Steve G Jones specializes in optimizing the human brain for success and happiness…

…and his clients include CEOs from Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, and regular folks like us.

And today, it’s YOUR turn to open the door to a joyful and flourishing life:

>> Get 'Feel Happier' NOW (Link Here)

Let’s talk soon!

Your Name

Overflowing Wealth Self Hypnosis Track

It’s Time To Overcome Financial Challenges… And Attract More Money, Success & Abundance!

Scientifically PROVEN to bring millionaire results / Your wealthy future!


Subject: Scientifically PROVEN to bring millionaire results / Your wealthy future!

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Tired of being strapped for cash?

And not having enough left over to take a dream vacation, upgrade the house, buy the car you always wanted?

>> Let's change that TODAY – click here (Link here)

The biggest reason many people don’t create the wealth they desire is down to one subconscious thought that is like a barrier between YOU and the wealth, abundance and prosperity you want.

By listening to clinical hypnotherapist Dr.Steve G Jones self-hypnosis track once a day for 2 weeks you can quickly and effortlessly rewire your mindset to a new fresh Wealth Brain mindset.

All from the comfort of your bed or couch.

>> Claim your audio track now (Link Here)

Sign off

Your name


Listen to this incredible wealth shortcut


Subject: Listen to this incredible wealth shortcut

I have a treat for you {!firstname_fix}

My friend, Dr Steve G Jones, is a multimillionaire hypnotherapist.

During his journey, he went from borderline bankrupt to making over $1 MM a year within 12 months.

Now he’s one of the most sought after success coaches in the world, and has mentored Fortune 500 execs, Actors, Writers, Sports Stars, and regular people like you and me.

>> Simple Wealth Shortcut (Link Here)

The reason I’m writing to you today is that he has released an incredible new Hypnotic Wealth Shortcut.

It ‘forces’ your brain to recalibrate itself towards more success, confidence and motivation….

…while having a particular focus on bringing in more wealth into your life.

Make sure to listen to this as soon as you can.

>> Get your wealth overflowing here (Link Here)

Dr. Steve guides you through to a state of deep meditation, and leads your mind on a journey to create new neural pathways in your subconscious mind…

…Ones that are there to increase your powers of creating and building more financial success in your life.

This is one of the best-guided meditation’s I've ever heard, and I highly recommend that you follow this link right away:

>> Let Dr. Steve Reprogram your mind for greater wealth abundance (Link Here)

To your life of wealth and prosperity!

Sign off

Your name


3-Day Special - Mailing Plan

Key to overflowing wealth (Send Friday morning)


Subject: Key to overflowing wealth


If you are going through a difficult time in your financial life... I want to help.

My friend Steve G Jones has created an amazing high wealth mindset track called “Overflowing Wealth” that is going to blow your mind as it reprograms it for wealth!

Get your copy of this (with $60 off 3-day discount) here:

=> Overflowing Wealth Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This amazing Overflowing Wealth track is going to:

1. Free your subconscious from harmful money myths
2. See the world with an abundance-oriented mindset
3. Create wealth in a non-linear way
4. Overcome life's obstacles with unstoppable belief
5. Grow your brain (Literally!)

It currently sells for $69.95... but as a special favor to you... for the next 3 days, it’ll be on sale for just $9.95.

It WILL go up in price after that, so hurry now to get your discounted copy:

=> Overflowing Wealth Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Anyway, that’s all from me... and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Your name


Your overflowing wealth mindset (Send Saturday morning)


Subject: Re: Your overflowing wealth mindset


A lot of people have already emailed me, thanking me for sharing this with them.

It seems like these things come at a time when you are calling out to the universe for guidance, so I am glad to help many of you find clarity and direction when you are going through a difficult time in your financial life...

Get your copy of this amazing track (normally $69.95 but $9.95 for this weekend only) here:

=> Overflowing Wealth Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This amazing Overflowing Wealth track is going to:

1. Free your subconscious from harmful money myths
2. See the world with an abundance-oriented mindset
3. Create wealth in a non-linear way
4. Overcome life's obstacles with unstoppable belief
5. Grow your brain (Literally!)

It currently sells for $69.95... but as a special favor to you... for the next 3 days, it’ll be on sale for just $9.95.

It WILL go up in price after that, so hurry now to get your discounted copy:

=> Overflowing Wealth Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

I will chat to you again soon :)

Your name


Last chance to get this (Send Sunday morning)


Subject: Last chance to get this


This is your last chance to get this wealth mindset track for under $10!

=> Overflowing Wealth Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

If you are looking for an easier life, one with less stress and worry about money... and are looking to:

1. Free your subconscious from harmful money myths
2. See the world with an abundance-oriented mindset
3. Create wealth in a non-linear way
4. Overcome life's obstacles with unstoppable belief
5. Grow your brain (Literally!)

I urge you to take a look at this.

I won't tell you about it again so make sure you get your copy now:

=> Overflowing Wealth Self-Hypnosis Track (last chance) (Link Here)

I will chat to you again soon :)

Your name


8-hour Special Swipes 85% off.

Overflowing Wealth Mindset


Subject: Overflowing Wealth Mindset

Subject: Create more enormous wealth with this..

If you are going through a difficult time in your financial life right now, or you simply want to manifest and attract more money than you currently have...

My friend Steve has just released a powerful self-hypnosis track that will reprogram you and infuse in your mind several vital habits and beliefs about money.

I am so excited to share this with you:

>> Overflowing wealth (3 day crazy 85% discount) (Link Here)

This fantastic program by my friend and success coach Dr. Steve G Jones is going to

  1. Free your subconscious from harmful money myths
  2. See the world with an abundance-oriented mindset
  3. Create wealth in a non-linear way
  4. Overcome life's obstacles with unstoppable belief 5. Grow your brain (Literally!)

And if you HURRY, you can claim your 85% discount off this wealth-affirming track (3 days only):

>> Click here to get your Overflowing Wealth Self-Hypnosis Track (Link Here)

All of Steve's tracks are infused with Subaudible Soundwave Technology, which allows you to shift to a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) more quickly, and easily, than regular meditation audio tracks.

Here's to your success with this amazing high wealth mindset! Enjoy!



Rise Above Self Hypnosis Track

For anyone who is going through a difficult time

Rise above life’s challenges and begin living the life you deserve


Subject: Rise above life’s challenges and begin living the life you deserve

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you are going through a rough time in any area of your life then

You’ll want to see this…

>> Click here to rise above troubled times (Link Here)

When things don’t go according to plan in life, it can be difficult to bounce back…

And achieving the satisfying stress-free, high vibration life that you deserve can seem worlds away.

Luckily, My good friend Clinical hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G Jones has the solution

He has designed a Subaudible Soundwave Technology that rewires the subconscious part of your brain so you can bust past any negative feelings that are holding you back from being happy.

Listen to the track… And feel a warm, calm feeling wash over you… So you rise above life's challenges and radiate resilience, toughness, and happiness

>> Get the audio track here

Sign off

Your name

P.S Self-hypnosis is a fast and effective way to rewire your thoughts and get you out of a rock-bottom mindset. But more importantly, it also gives you the leverage to rise above life's challenges! Find the Rise Above Track Here (Link Here)


Rebound from life’s challenges with this!


Subject: Rebound from life’s challenges with this!

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Sometimes when life isn’t going your way, you feel like the universe is not on your side….

Whether its financial problems, being stuck in a job you hate, a bad relationship, or a health scare…

It can feel like the loneliest place in the world.

But there is hope!

My friend and Clinical Hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G Jones has created a powerful self-hypnosis track (Link Here), designed to help you to rebound quickly, and achieve the satisfying stress-free, high vibration life that you deserve.

Remember: Everyone goes through hard times. However, it’s what we choose to do next that defines how we move forward.

>> Get the rise above track here (Link Here)

Sign off

Your Name


[Mail Anytime] Rise Above Life’s Challenges NOW


Subject: Rise Above Life’s Challenges NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you’re struggling with a specific area in your life (e.g., finances, relationship, career, loss of a loved one)…

…then here’s a quick and effective way to overcome those difficulties:

>> Rise Above Life’s Challenges (Link Here)

Designed by clinical hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G Jones, this self-hypnosis audio track can give you the mental resilience to deal with those challenges…

…NO MATTER how overwhelming it seems…

…all by listening for just minutes a day…

>> Rise Above Life’s Challenges (Link Here)

Hope you have a beautiful day!

Your Name


3-Day Special - Mailing Plan

Guided Meditation: RISE ABOVE Life's Challenges (Send Friday morning)


Subject: Guided Meditation: RISE ABOVE Life's Challenges

I have exciting news!

I have a self hypnosis guided meditation track called "Rise Above" that has been specifically made for anybody who wants to bounce back from a tough period in their life (finances, relationship issues, a health scare, losing a loved one, etc).

As a special gift to you, my valued subscribers, you can gain access to this premium track for a staggering 85% off!

=> Rise Above - Subaudible Technology Meditation Track (85% Discount!) (Link Here)

That's how much I WANT you to get this life-changing technology that will help change your life for the better.

It currently sells for $69.95, though for the next 3 days, it’ll be on sale for just $9.95.

Click below to grab your life-changing track now:

=> Rise Above - Subaudible Technology Meditation Track (85% Discount!) (Link Here)

Anyway, that’s it from me for today.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Your name


Reminder: RISE ABOVE hypnosis track (Send Saturday morning)


Subject: Reminder: RISE ABOVE hypnosis track


Just a quick reminder that the Rise Above self hypnosis track has just been released and is being offered at an exclusive discount to you, my valued subscribers. This is essential for anyone who hass been going through a difficult time.

Make sure you use this special link below to get the 85% discount:

=> Rise Above - Subaudible Technology Meditation Track (85% Discount!) (Link Here)

It currently sells for $69.95, though for the next 3 days, it’ll be on sale for just $9.95.

After that, the price will go up. So don't message me later asking for this price because I will not be able to offer it to you.

Click below to grab your life-changing track now:

=> Rise Above - Subaudible Technology Meditation Track (85% Discount!) (Link Here)

I hope you are achieving wonderful things this weekend!

Your name


Last chance to get this (Send Sunday morning)


Subject: Last chance to get this

Hi ,

The response to the Rise Above self-hypnosis track has been HUGE!

But I do need to warn you...

This special pricing is about to come down soon and you will not be able to enjoy this $9.95 pricing for much longer.

Hurry and get your $9.95 track before I close the door on this and raise the price:

=> Rise Above - Subaudible Technology Meditation Track (85% Discount!) (Link Here)

If you are serious about rising above life's challenges and building resilience, strength, and happiness...

Then this powerful self-hypnosis track, is designed to help you to rebound quickly, and achieve the satisfying stress-free, high vibration life that you deserve.

Creator Steve G Jones has a proven track record helping thousands of clients, including Fortune 500 executives, sports stars and Hollywood actors achieve huge phenomenal success, thanks to the careful planning that goes into these guided meditation self-hypnosis tracks.

Now you can too!

But not for long at this $9.95 exclusive discount!

This is coming down very soon, so this is the last time I will share this with you:

=> Rise Above - Subaudible Technology Meditation Track (85% Discount!) (Link Here)

Your friend,

Your name


8-hour Special Swipes 85% off.

Rise Above Life’s Challenges With This....


Subject: Rise Above Life’s Challenges With This....

Subject: Rebound From Difficult Times In Your Life

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Often hard times and tragic events hit us like a ton of bricks...

And it can seem impossible to climb out of the dark hole you have fallen in...

It could be financial problems, relationship or health issues, or the loss of someone close to you.

It’s time to RISE ABOVE Life’s Challenges… so you can once again

Radiate Resilience, Strength & Happiness!

And here is a quick way to this no matter how low you feel right now…

>> Discover a quick way to rebound quickly from difficult times in your life (Link Here)

Host and certified hypnotist Steve G Jones usually sells these types of tracks at a premium price, because they are incredibly popular with his regular clients... celebrities, Fortune 500 executives, sports stars and the like.

But he was worried that the prices he usually charges might put them out of reach of regular people like you... and he really wants you to have these!

They usually sell for $69.95 per track... but for this weekend only you can get any of his End Addiction tracks for only $9.95

Grab your heavily discounted tracks at this special link before Monday when the price WILL go up:

>> Claim my 85% discount for Rise Above now (Link Here)

See you soon,



3-day Weekend Promotion

[Friday Email] How To Rise Above Life’s Challenges (Weekend Special)


Subject: How To Rise Above Life’s Challenges (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

If you’re struggling in a particular area of your life, such as your finances, relationship, career

…or you’re dealing with a health scare, or the loss of a loved one…

…I want to help.

My friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones, is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist who helps people overcome the biggest challenges in their lives by training their minds.

He’s been interviewed on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and has appeared on Bravo TV’s “Millionaire Matchmaker.”

And he recently released a fantastic new self-hypnosis track called “Rise Above.”

=> Rise Above Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This track is designed to help you radiate happiness and develop mental resilience, NO MATTER how daunting your challenges are right now.

And Dr. Steve has agreed to offer this program at a fantastic 85% DISCOUNT, from now until Sunday Midnight.

That’s a total of $60 OFF for the next three days, so I highly recommend getting your copy while you STILL can:

=> Rise Above Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Just to give you an idea, Rise Above can help you:

  1. Train Your Brain For Happiness
  2. Build Mental Resilience
  3. Re-wire Negative Thought Patterns
  4. Get Through Grief
  5. Feel Excited For An Amazing Future

Normally, it sells for $69.95, but Dr. Steve is graciously offering it for $9.95 for the next 3 days.

I strongly suggest that you take advantage of this special discount before it goes back to FULL price:

=> Rise Above Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

That’s it for now.

I’ll talk to you soon and have a great weekend!

Your name


[Saturday Email] Your ‘Rise Above’ Mindset


Subject: Your ‘Rise Above’ Mindset


I’ve been getting a lot of emails from people thanking me for something special I shared with them.

I love it when things work out at just the right time.

You see, they’ve been struggling in a certain area of their lives (e.g., finances, relationship, career, loss of a loved one)…

…and my friend’s “Rise Above” audio track has given them the strength to rise above their biggest challenges.

Now, here’s your chance to download this amazing self-hypnosis track for just $9.95 instead of the regular price of $69.95:

=> Rise Above Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This “Rise Above” track can help you:

  1. Train Your Brain For Happiness
  2. Build Mental Resilience
  3. Re-wire Negative Thought Patterns
  4. Get Through Grief
  5. Feel Excited For An Amazing Future

As I said earlier, this track normally goes for $69.95, but my friend Dr. Steve G. Jones is offering it at an incredible 3-day discount as a favor to me and YOU.

This is your chance to get this limited offer before it ends:

=> Rise Above Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Let’s talk again soon :)

Your name


[Sunday Email] Last chance to get this


Subject: Last chance to get this


Just letting you know that this is the LAST day to get Rise Above for ONLY $9.95…

=> Rise Above Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This audio track can help you radiate resilience, strength & happiness – and it’s also designed to help you…

  1. Train Your Brain For Happiness
  2. Build Mental Resilience
  3. Re-wire Negative Thought Patterns
  4. Get Through Grief
  5. Feel Excited For An Amazing Future

I strongly suggest that you check this out because this offer WON’T be available after today:

=> Rise Above Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Hope you have a great day!

Your name


Wired For Joy Self Hypnosis Track

Feel Happier, Grateful And Love The Journey You Are On

8-hour Special Swipes 85% off.

Ending addictions is as simple as listening to this


Subject: Here’s how to feel happy every day

Subject: Release stress, anxiety, and sadness when you listen to this....

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Want to release built-up nagging feelings of stress, anxiety, and sadness?

Here is a unique and fast way to do this in minutes a day Follow the link to discover how to...

>> Reawaken your sense of joy (Link Here)

This incredible program by my friend and hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G Jones is going to

  1. Train your brain for happiness.
  2. Help you create positive thought habits
  3. Manage your stress effortlessly
  4. Assist you to enjoy mental clarity and stay laser-focused the whole day 5. Give you untangle your mind and feel instantly relaxed

And if you HURRY, you can claim your 85% discount off this wealth-affirming track (3 days only):

>> click here to get wired for joy now 85% discount (Link Here)


Your name


3-day Weekend Promotion

[Friday Email] Get Wired For Joy (Weekend Special)


Subject: Get Wired For Joy (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

Many people are struggling with feelings of stress, anxiety, and sadness…

…and if you’re facing the same challenges, you’re not alone.

My friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones, is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist who’s helped thousands of people by programming their subconscious minds for happiness and inner peace.

He’s been interviewed on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and has appeared on Bravo TV’s “Millionaire Matchmaker”…

…and I’m thrilled to let you know about his latest self-hypnosis program called “Wired For Joy":

=> Wired For Joy Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This is an exclusive audio track designed to release stress and trigger your relaxation response in a matter of minutes.

And just for this weekend, Dr. Steve is offering this program at a massive 85% DISCOUNT, so this offer is good UNTIL Sunday midnight:

=> Wired For Joy Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

And Wired For Joy can help you:

  1. Reprogram your mind for genuine, lasting happiness
  2. Manage stress effortlessly
  3. Create positive thought habits
  4. Untangle your mind and feel instantly relaxed
  5. Look forward to a bright and prosperous future
  6. Enjoy mental clarity and stay laser-focused the WHOLE day

So instead of $69.95, you can get this incredible self-hypnosis audio track for just $9.95!

Check it out now before the weekend is over:

=> Wired For Joy Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Take care, and I hope you have a vibrant, stress-free day!

Your name


[Saturday Email] Your ‘Wired For Joy’ Mindset


Subject: Your ‘Wired For Joy’ Mindset


So many folks have been emailing me after I shared something amazing with them.

They’re thanking me because it couldn’t have come at a better time. You see, they’ve been dealing with feelings of stress, anxiety, and sadness…

…and they’ve found a self-hypnosis track called “Wired For Joy” immensely helpful.

It usually sells for $69.95, but it's now available for just $9.95 – but for this weekend only:

=> Wired For Joy Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This fantastic, life-changing self-hypnosis track can help you:

  1. Reprogram your mind for genuine, lasting happiness
  2. Manage stress effortlessly
  3. Create positive thought habits
  4. Untangle your mind and feel instantly relaxed
  5. Look forward to a bright and prosperous future
  6. Enjoy mental clarity and stay laser-focused the WHOLE day

So for the next three days, it'll be on sale for just $9.95 - then it will go back to the regular price of $69.95 after that.

Make sure to take advantage of this incredible discount before it ends:

=> Wired For Joy Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

I’ll talk to you again soon :)

Your name


[Sunday Email] Last chance to get this


Subject: Last chance to get this


Just a friendly reminder that this is your last chance to get “Wired For Joy” for ONLY $9.95:

=> Wired For Joy Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

If you’re struggling to find joy or feel hopeful, this audio track can help you:

  1. Reprogram your mind for genuine, lasting happiness
  2. Manage stress effortlessly
  3. Create positive thought habits
  4. Untangle your mind and feel instantly relaxed
  5. Look forward to a bright and prosperous future
  6. Enjoy mental clarity and stay laser-focused the WHOLE day

Please check out this program because it won’t be available again after the weekend is over.

=> Wired For Joy Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

I’ll talk to you soon, bye for now :)

Your name


Wake Up Calm Self Hypnosis Track

Put A STOP To Stress & Anxiety For Good… And To Sleep Blissfully & Wake Each Day With Focused Energy & Excitement!

Are you more stressed than you should be?


Subject: Are you more stressed than you should be?

Hi {!firstname_fix}

As you deal with life’s challenges, tension builds up throughout the week leaving you low on energy, stressed out, and filled with anxiety and worry.

It’s critical that you take care of stress as it can lead to serious health issues later on.

>> Take control of your stress and anxiety now (Link Here)

World-renowned clinical hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G Jones has used his specialty in hypnosis to create a self-hypnosis audio track that is a quick and easy way to release ALL that accumulated stress and bring back a sense of calm into your mind.

When this ambient guided hypnosis track hits your ears, you’ll immediately let go of any stress, worries and anxious thoughts you’ve been holding on to.

You’ll notice right away your sleep significantly improves too.

Now you’re all set to wake up each day feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready to live the stress-free life you deserve.

>> Click here to get the Wake-Up Calm Guided Audio Track (Link Here)

Sign off

Your name


Guided hypnosis to reduce stress and calm your mind


Subject: Guided hypnosis to reduce stress and calm your mind

Hi {!firstname_fix},

If you suffer from stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, or a generally low mood...

I have a powerful guided meditation program to share with you:

>> Wake Up Calm Guided Meditation Tracks (Link Here)

This incredibly powerful audio track (You can listen to in a few minutes before you go to bed) will…

  1. Improve the length AND quality of your sleep.
  2. Make you feel happier and more energized in your life.
  3. Reduce stress & anxiety levels right back to a healthy balance.
  4. Regain your access to your higher self, so that you can be on track living your truest purpose.

You won’t want to miss out on this

Click here to reduce stress and anxiety while you sleep (Link here) so you wake up calm, energized, joyful …excited and ready to take on the day with a clear and free mind.

I’ve had these tracks on repeat for the past few days and I really hope you enjoy these stress-busting tracks as much as I have!

Sign Off

Your name


[Mail Anytime] Wake Up Calm Every Day


Subject: Wake Up Calm Every Day

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you’re suffering from stress, anxiety, and sleepless nights because of relationship issues, career challenges, health problems, and so on…

…here’s a quick and effective way to wake up every day with focused energy and excitement:

>> Get ‘Wake Up Calm’ Now (Link Here)

Designed by clinical hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G Jones, this self-hypnosis audio track can reduce stress & anxiety levels and help you feel balanced again…

…in as little as 30 minutes:

>> Get ‘Wake Up Calm’ Now (Link Here)

Here’s to a happier, calmer, and well-rested YOU!

Your Name


3-Day Special - Mailing Plan

Wake Up Calm - Powerful Meditation Program (Send Friday morning)


Subject: Wake Up Calm - Powerful Meditation Program

It's Friday already and I have something exciting to share with you!

The team at Dream Life Mastery have created another powerful guided meditation program, consisting of TWO carefully designed audio tracks, called “Wake Up Calm” that has been specifically made for anybody who wants to:

1. Improve the length AND quality of your sleep.
2. Make you feel happier and more energized by your life.
3. Reduce stress & anxiety levels right back to a healthy balance.
4. Regain your access to your higher self, so that you can be on track living your truest purpose.

I don't want you to pay full price for this, and the awesome news is that from Friday to Sunday this weekend you can gain access to this premium track for 80% off!

=> Wake Up Calm - Powerful Guided Meditation Program (85% Discount!) (Link here)

This will help you feel more calm, more energized, joyful, and more excited about each day that you have coming up ahead!

It currently sells for $119.95... but as a special favor to you... for the next 3 days, it’ll be on sale for just $19.95.

It WILL go up in price after that, so hurry now to get your discounted copy:

=> Wake Up Calm - Powerful Guided Meditation Program (85% Discount!) (Link here)

Anyway, that’s all from me... and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Your name


Wake Up Calm - 85 percent off (Send Saturday morning)


Subject: Wake Up Calm - 85 percent off


I have had such a powerful response to the Wake Up Calm track already!

Have you grabbed your discounted copy yet?

This 2-track program has been specifically made for anybody who wants to:

1. Improve the length AND quality of your sleep.
2. Make you feel happier and more energized by your life.
3. Reduce stress & anxiety levels right back to a healthy balance.
4. Regain your access to your higher self, so that you can be on track living your truest purpose.

Use this special link to make sure you get the 85% discount:

=> Wake Up Calm - Powerful Guided Meditation Program (85% Discount!) (Link here)

This will help you feel more calm, more energized, joyful, and more excited about each day that you have coming up ahead!

It currently sells for $119.95... but as a special favor to you... for the next 3 days, it’ll be on sale for just $19.95.

=> Wake Up Calm - Powerful Guided Meditation Program (85% Discount!) (Link here)

Your friend,

Your name


Last Chance: Wake Up Calm (Send Sunday morning)


Subject: Last Chance: Wake Up Calm


This is your last chance to get this at this crazy price...

If you are looking to:

1. Improve the length AND quality of your sleep.
2. Make you feel happier and more energized by your life.
3. Reduce stress & anxiety levels right back to a healthy balance.
4. Regain your access to your higher self, so that you can be on track living your truest purpose.

Use this special link to make sure you get the 85% discount:

=> Wake Up Calm - Powerful Guided Meditation Program (85% Discount!) (Link here)

In a few hours it will no longer be on sale for just $19.95.

Don't run out of time... secure yours before it's too late :)

I will chat to you again soon,

Your name


8-hour Special Swipes 85% off.

How to Manifest a calm and stress-free life


Subject: How to Manifest a calm and stress-free life

Subject: Wake up calm with this Hypnosis Track

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Are you ready to manifest a calm, stress-free life?

Here is a simple way to reduce built-up stress and have a calm peaceful feeling wash over your body and mind.

Being stressed out doesn’t have to rule your life...

>> Wake up calm guided self-hypnosis program (Link Here)

This two-track program designed by world-renowned Hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G Jones will help

  1. Improve the length AND quality of your sleep.
  2. Make you feel happier and more energized in your life.
  3. Reduce stress & anxiety levels right back to a healthy balance.
  4. Regain your access to your higher self, so that you can be on track living your most authentic purpose.

And best of all, as a celebration of just releasing this to the public...

He's letting me share a crazy 85% discount with you (3 days only):

I want to help you with feeling more calm, more energized, joyful, and more excited about each day that you have coming up ahead.

I really hope you enjoy these stress-busting tracks as much as I have!

Follow the link to grab it now

>> Wake up calm guided self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link Here)

I hope you enjoy this as much as I have…


P.S It is super simple to do. Just lie down, press play and let Dr.Steve G Jones instantly guide you to a world of calm and tranquillity.


3-day Weekend Promotion

[Friday Email] How To Wake Up Calm (Weekend Special)


Subject: How To Wake Up Calm (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

If you’re suffering from stress, anxiety, and sleepless nights because of relationship issues, career challenges, health problems, and so on…

…I want to help.

My friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones, is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist for CEOs, Fortune 500 clients, celebrities, and everyday people like us.

And I’m excited to let you know that he just released “Wake Up Calm," a series of unique self-hypnosis tracks.

=> Wake Up Calm Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This audio program offers long-lasting relief in as little as HALF an hour - and improves the length and quality of your sleep.

The great news is that Dr. Steve is offering this program at a whopping 85% DISCOUNT (or $60 off), stating today UNTIL Sunday Midnight.

Get it now while you still can:

=> Wake Up Calm Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Just to give you an idea, Wake Up Calm will help you:

  1. Sleep blissfully at night
  2. Feel happier and more energized by your life
  3. Reduce stress & anxiety levels and feel balanced again
  4. Wake up every day with focused energy and excitement
  5. Reconnect with your BEST self

So, for the next three days, Dr. Steve is offering it for $9.95 (normally priced at $69.95!).

Visit the link below before it goes back to FULL price:

=> Wake Up Calm Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Ok, that’s it for now, and I hope you check out that offer while it’s still available.

Have a lovely weekend!

Your name


[Saturday Email] Your ‘Wake Up Calm’ Mindset


Subject: Your ‘Wake Up Calm’ Mindset


A lot of people have been sending me ‘thank you’ emails non-stop ever since I shared something special with them.

Here's why: these folks are having trouble sleeping because of issues related to their finances, relationships, career, or health…

…and my friend’s “Wake Up Calm” audio track has improved the length AND quality of their sleep at night.

And now, they couldn’t be more grateful.

The great news is that YOU can also download this fantastic, life-changing self-hypnosis track for just $9.95 (normally priced at $69.95):

=> Wake Up Calm Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

With “Wake Up Calm,” you can…

1. Sleep blissfully at night 2. Feel happier and more energized by your life 3. Reduce stress & anxiety levels and feel balanced again 4. Wake up every day with focused energy and excitement 5. Reconnect with your BEST self

Like I mentioned, “Wake Up Calm” is priced at $69.95, but my friend Dr. Steve G. Jones is offering it at a heavily reduced price…

…so act now before it’s too late:

=> Wake Up Calm Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Let’s talk soon :)

Your name


[Sunday Email] Last chance to get this


Subject: Last chance to get this


Hope everything is going well.

Just wanted to give you a heads-up that this is the LAST day to get “Wake Up Calm” for ONLY $9.95:

=> Wake Up Calm Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This audio track is the key to improving the length AND quality of your sleep – PLUS the following benefits:

  1. Sleep blissfully at night
  2. Feel happier and more energized by your life
  3. Reduce stress & anxiety levels and feel balanced again
  4. Wake up every day with focused energy and excitement
  5. Reconnect with your BEST self

Visit the link below while you STILL can - this offer WON’T be available after today:

=> Wake Up Calm Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Here’s to a happier, calmer, and well-rested YOU!

Your name


Stop Negative Thinking Self Hypnosis Track

It’s Time to End Negative Thought Habits, Master Your Thoughts and Have Lasting Peace of Mind!

3-day Weekend Promotion

[Friday Email] Key To Stop Negative Thinking (Weekend Special)


Subject: Key To Stop Negative Thinking (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

If you’re struggling with negative, repeating thoughts on loop, you’re NOT alone…

Dr. Steve G. Jones, a good friend of mine, is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist who works with Fortune 500 clients, CEOs, celebrities, and everyday folks like us.

He’s been interviewed on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and featured on Bravo TV’s “Millionaire Matchmaker.”

And just recently, Dr. Steve released a powerful new self-hypnosis track called “Stop Negative Thinking.”

=> Stop Negative Thinking Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

He created this especially for disrupting negative thought patterns - and make room for healthier and more empowering thoughts instead.

And the great news is that this track is available at an incredible 85% OFF until midnight this Sunday!

That means Dr. Steve is slashing $60 OFF the total price, so you should check it out BEFORE the discount ends:

=> Stop Negative Thinking Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Listening to this amazing audio track can help you:

  1. Create Positive Thought Habits
  2. Untangle Your Mind And Feel Instantly Relaxed
  3. Re-wire Negative Thought Patterns
  4. Train Your Brain For Happiness
  5. Enjoy Mental Clarity and Stay Laser-Focused The WHOLE Day
  6. Feel Excited For An Amazing Future

You can enjoy all these benefits for just $9.95, but only if you act now…

I recommend you get this track before it goes back to the FULL price of $69.95:

=> Stop Negative Thinking Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

I’ll talk to you soon.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Your name


[Saturday Email] Your ‘Stop Negative Thinking’ Mindset


Subject: Re: Your ‘Stop Negative Thinking’ Mindset


So many people have been sending me “thank you” emails after I shared something amazing with them recently.

They told me that it came at the PERFECT time.

You see, they’ve been dealing with negative thoughts on repeat - but now, they can finally enjoy some peace of mind.

I shared an amazing self-hypnosis audio track called “Stop Negative Thinking” that my friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones created.

Today, it’s YOUR turn to enjoy the amazing benefits of this track.

Just for this weekend, you can get this fantastic audio program for ONLY $9.95 instead of the regular price of $69.95:

=> Stop Negative Thinking Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This soothing yet powerful audio track can help you:

  1. Create Positive Thought Habits
  2. Untangle Your Mind And Feel Instantly Relaxed
  3. Re-wire Negative Thought Patterns
  4. Train Your Brain For Happiness
  5. Enjoy Mental Clarity and Stay Laser-Focused The WHOLE Day
  6. Feel Excited For An Amazing Future

Like I said, this track is usually available for $69.95, Dr. Steve has been kind enough to offer it at a generous discount for the next THREE DAYS.

I suggest you take advantage of this limited offer while you still can:

=> Stop Negative Thinking Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

That’s it for now, but I’ll talk to you soon :)

Your name


[Sunday Email] Last chance to get this


Subject: Last chance to get this


This is your LAST chance to download “Stop Negative Thinking” for ONLY $9.95…

=> Stop Negative Thinking Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This audio track is a fantastic way to DISRUPT negative, repeating thoughts – and it also allows you to:

  1. Create Positive Thought Habits
  2. Untangle Your Mind And Feel Instantly Relaxed
  3. Re-wire Negative Thought Patterns
  4. Train Your Brain For Happiness
  5. Enjoy Mental Clarity and Stay Laser-Focused The WHOLE Day
  6. Feel Excited For An Amazing Future

It’s only available until today, so I strongly recommend that you get it now before the HUGE discount ends:

=> Stop Negative Thinking Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Bye for now and take care!

Your name


[Mail Anytime] Stop Negative Thinking NOW


Subject: Stop Negative Thinking NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you’re struggling with negative, repeating thoughts on loop, you’re not alone…

…and HERE’S a quick and powerful way to silence that unhealthy mental chatter

>> Stop Negative Thinking NOW (Link Here)

My friend, Dr. Steve G Jones, is a clinical hypnotherapist who specializes in reprogramming the subconscious mind by DISRUTPING negative thought patterns…

…and he designed this self-hypnosis track to help you enjoy PEACE of mind and release stress – in just minutes a day!

>> Stop Negative Thinking NOW (Link Here)

I’ll talk to you soon :)

Your Name


Main Opt In Page

Free Self Hypnosis Audio Tracks

[Free Gift] Life-Changing Self-Hypnosis


Subject: [Free Gift] Life-Changing Self-Hypnosis Track

Hi [NAME],

My good friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones, has just released FIVE brand new self hypnosis tracks…

…And for a short time he’s allowing you to download ONE of them for FREE.

Follow this link:

==> [Free Gift] Life-Changing Self-Hypnosis Track (Link Here)

Dr Steve is incredible, he has worked with CEO’s, Celebrities, Fortune 500 execs, Athletes, and achieved phenomenal results for them over the years.

Whether your wish is to have more success with money, attract abundant happiness, stop anxiety, or more, I highly recommend that you claim your free gift right away.

==> Choose your free self-hypnosis track here (Link Here)

Enjoy and have a wonderful day!

Kind regards,


P.S. Don’t miss this potentially life-enhancing experience.


Winning At Life Self Hypnosis Track Opt In


Subject: Winning At Life Self Hypnosis Track Opt In

Hi [name],

Dr. Steve G. Jones has created a self hypnosis track called “Winning At Life” and for a short time he has made it available for you to listen to for free.

==> Winning At Life (Free Self Hypnosis Track) (Link Here)

This track is based on a lot of the work he has done with CEOs, Celebrities, Fortune 500 execs, and regular people who are trying to get ahead in life.

All you need to do is put some headphones on, press play, listen and let the track do the work.

It’s designed to upgrade your thoughts, habits and results in life.

While at the same time, removing and replacing dysfunctional thoughts, with empowering ones.

==> Go here to download this incredible free track (Link Here)


Kind regards,



Soaring Success Self Hypnosis Track

Get Ready To Overcome Overwhelming Obstacles... And Reach New Heights Of Success & Happiness!

8-hour Special Swipes 85% off.

Ending addictions is as simple as listening to this


Subject: Supercharge your mind for soaring success

Subject: Greater success in minutes with this…

HI {!firstname_fix},

The single biggest and most success stopping the thing that is holding you back from the life of prosperity you want is something 95% of people have no idea how to remove.

But as Dr. Steve G Jones discovered it all comes down to a specific area of the mind.

Follow the link below and all will be revealed.

>> Overcome obstacles that are stopping you from the life you want (Link Here)

Our mind is a powerful tool. But who really knew how powerful.

If you are struggling to break free from the things holding you back from more success in a particular area of your life...

...such as your finances, relationships, health or career then this is the reason why…

Mindsets… Then you should check this out “Soaring Success” is a 30-minute self-hypnosis audio session that will help you:

  • Boost Your Productivity
  • Develop Bulletproof Discipline
  • Develop Mental Resilience
  • Help you map out your plan for Success
  • Empower you to work through success blockages
  • Help you to thrive under pressure

...there's nothing stopping you from reaching the stars and achieving all your dreams!

And this weekend only you can take advantage of an 85% discount. Claim yours now!

>> Take me to the Soaring Success Special (85% off) (Link Here)

I really hope you enjoy these stress-busting tracks as much as I have!

Your Name


[Mail Anytime] Get ‘Soaring Success’ NOW

3-day Weekend Promotion

[Friday Email] Key To Soaring Success (Weekend Special)


Subject: Key To Soaring Success (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

If you want to reach the NEXT LEVEL of success and BREAK FREE from limiting beliefs…

…I want to help.

My friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones, is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist for CEOs, Fortune 500 clients, celebrities, and everyday folks like us.

He’s been interviewed on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and has appeared on Bravo TV’s “Millionaire Matchmaker”…

…and I’m thrilled to share you with that he just released his latest self-hypnosis program called “Soaring Success":

=> Soaring Success Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This fantastic audio program is designed to reprogram your mind to help you reach new heights of success in all areas of your life…

…such as your finances, relationships, health, and career.

The GOOD NEWS is that you can get this track for a massive 85% DISCOUNT until Sunday midnight:

=> Soaring Success Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

“Soaring Success” can help you:

  1. Prime Your Subconscious For Success
  2. Skyrocket Your Productivity
  3. Develop Bulletproof Discipline
  4. Map out a Crystal-Clear Plan For Success
  5. Develop Mental Resilience

Just for this weekend, you can get this powerful audio track for only $9.95 INSTEAD of the regular price ($69.95) – so that’s a whopping $60 OFF!

It’s time to upgrade your mindset, get better habits, and overcome overwhelming obstacles:

=> Soaring Success Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

I'll talk to you again soon :)

Your name


[Saturday Email] Your ‘Soaring Success’ Mindset


Subject: Re: Your ‘Soaring Success’ Mindset


I’ve been getting a ton of ‘thank you’ emails from a lot of people lately.

You see, I shared something special with them, and they’re telling me that it couldn’t have come at a better time.

Many of these folks have been struggling to break free from limiting beliefs that are keeping them from enjoying more success in their finances, relationships, health, and career.

And now, they’ve found a ray of hope after listening to an amazing new self-hypnosis track called “Soaring Success”:

=> Soaring Success Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This audio program usually sells for $69.95, but just for this weekend, it’s available for ONLY $9.95.

And this powerful self-hypnosis program will help you:

  1. Prime Your Subconscious For Success
  2. Skyrocket Your Productivity
  3. Develop Bulletproof Discipline
  4. Map out a Crystal-Clear Plan For Success
  5. Develop Mental Resilience

I strongly suggest that you take advantage of this incredible opportunity while you still can – and before it goes back to FULL price:

=> Soaring Success Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Talk to you soon!

Your name


[Sunday Email] Last chance to get this


Subject: Last chance to get this


This is just a friendly reminder that today is the LAST day to get “Soaring Success” for JUST $9.95:

=> Soaring Success Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

If you want to break free from limiting beliefs, then this track can help you:

  1. Prime Your Subconscious For Success
  2. Skyrocket Your Productivity
  3. Develop Bulletproof Discipline
  4. Map out a Crystal-Clear Plan For Success
  5. Develop Mental Resilience

This is the quickest and most powerful way to cultivate a rock-solid mindset for success.

But the 85% discount is good only until today – this is your last chance to get it before it goes back to the full price:

=> Soaring Success Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

I hope you have a great day and wish you all the best!

Your name



Subject: Get ‘Soaring Success’ NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you’re struggling to break free from limiting beliefs that are holding you back from having more success in your life...

...then this powerful self-hypnosis track will unlock your mind's Inner Power:

>> Get ‘Soaring Success’ Now (Link Here)

My friend Dr. Steve G Jones is a clinical hypnotherapist who’s helped countless people (CEOs, celebrities, Fortune 500 clients, and everyday folks like us) overcome their limiting beliefs…

…and he recently released this powerful new self-hypnosis track to upgrade your mindset, supercharge your habits, and take your success to the next level:

>> Get ‘Soaring Success’ Now (Link Here)

I’ll talk to you soon!

Your Name


End Addiction Self Hypnosis Track

It’s time to put an END to Addiction For Good… And Live Each Day With Maximum Health, Clarity & Joy!

End your addiction NOW


Subject: End your addiction NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Struggling with addiction?

Here’s is a unique way to stop being a slave to your habit

>> Stop addiction now (Link Here)

Whether it’s smoking, sugar, alcohol, excessive shopping, gambling, or eating…

Any addiction at all…

Then you must see this series of self-hypnosis audio tracks designed by clinical hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G Jones…

And put an end to your addiction for good… in just minutes per day…

>> Discover how to END ADDICTION here (Link here)

Sign off

Your Name


Are addictive habits getting the best of you?


Subject: Are addictive habits getting the best of you?

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Do you feel trapped by your addictive habits?

Regardless of what your addictive habit is, it’s not your fault…

The blame lies with a specific part of your wired subconscious brain…

Are you ready to end addiction right now?

>> Click here to discover how (Link here)

Using this ONE thing alone will make your mind cut through those layers quickly and get to the core of your addictive behaviors… Stopping these behaviors in their tracks…

All in a few minutes a day for 14 days…

>> Discover it here (Link here)

Sign off

Your name

P.S Remember it doesn’t matter what your addiction is. Alcohol, smoking, gambling, substance abuse or even excessive shopping… This will rewire your brain for an addiction-free life. (link here)


[Mail Anytime] End Addiction NOW

3-Day Special - Mailing Plan

Put an end to addiction for good (Send Friday morning)


Subject: Put an end to addiction for good


All of us are ruled by addictions of some sort...

Smoking, sugar, alcohol, television, shopping, gaming, drugs, gambling, binge eating...

Which one is yours?

If you are looking for ways to enrich your life, give yourself more money, or increased quality time for things that make your heart sing, and free yourself from the things that have a hold over you and a negative effect on your health and mental wellbeing...

I want to help!

Self-hypnosis may provide the answer that you need, in order to curb those subconscious cravings, and to make your mind desire more beneficial habits instead.

My friend and celebrity hypnotherapist, Steve G Jones, has released a group of amazing guided meditation tracks that will put an end to addiction for good, so you can live each day with maximum health, clarity and joy!

Each and every one of them are infused with Subaudible Soundwave Technology, which allows you to shift into a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) more quickly and easily than regular meditation audio tracks.

But I'm not going to let you pay full price for these!

The awesome news is that from Friday to Sunday this weekend you can gain access to any of these end-addiction premium tracks for 85% off!

Any one of them currently sells for $69.95, but for 72 hours you will be able to get it for a crazy low $9.95!

=> Self-Hypnosis: End your addictions for good (Link here)

This amazing selection of End Addiction tracks are going to help you:

1. Redefine yourself
2. Prevent relapse
3. Grow new brain pathways
4. Detox your subconscious
5. Reprogram hard-wired beliefs
6. Feel whole again

Just imagine how amazing your new life is going to feel with better health, clarity, and joy!

I want to give you the best chance to get started which is why I am offering you this crazy discount... but only for three days.

Don't miss out. See how these tracks can improve your life right away. Choose one, or as many as you like (each track has $60 off for the next three days):

=> Self-Hypnosis: End your addictions for good (Link here)

Your friend and mentor in success,

Your name


Easy tracks for better health, clarity, and joy (Send Saturday morning)


Subject: Easy tracks for better health, clarity, and joy


Which End Addiction track will make the biggest difference in your life?

People have already started using these tracks and I have had great feedback so far.

If you are serious about overcoming addictions to smoking, sugar, gambling, tv, alcohol, drugs, and many other things that compromise your health and wellbeing...

You need to get your 3-day $60 discount off each track at this special link:

=> Self-Hypnosis: End your addictions for good (Link here)

I want to give you the best chance to get started which is why I am offering you this crazy discount... but only for three days. As you will have seen with the other tracks, after that the price WILL go up!

Don't miss out. See how these amazing tracks can improve your life right away. Choose one, or as many as you like!

=> Self-Hypnosis: End your addictions for good (Link here)

Here's to you living your ultimate best life :)

Your name


Last chance to get this (Send Sunday morning)


Subject: Last chance to get this


This is the last time I will tell you about this limited-time special:

=> Self-Hypnosis: End your addictions for good (Link here)

I want to give you the best chance to get started on ending addictions which is why I am offering you this crazy discount... but only for three days. As you will have seen with all the other tracks, after that the price WILL go up!

If you are serious about overcoming addictions to smoking, sugar, gambling, tv, alcohol, drugs, and many other things that compromise your health and wellbeing...

Don't miss out. See how these amazing tracks can improve your life right away. Choose one, or as many as you like!

=> Self-Hypnosis: End your addictions for good (Link here)

Your friend,



8-hour Special Swipes 85% off.

Ending addictions is as simple as listening to this


Subject: Ending addictions is as simple as listening to this

Subject: Overcome your addictions with self-hypnosis

{!firstname_fix}, We all have habits that hold us back from manifesting and achieving ultimate health and wellbeing... sugar, alcohol, tv, and many more...

But what if there was a way to end your addiction and manifest better health, clarity, and joy with something as simple as listening to a self-hypnosis track?

Fortunately there is. Follow the link to discover how to end your addiction now

=> End Addiction Self Hypnosis Tracks - 3 Day Pricing (Link Here)

Choose from several common addictions and enjoy a 3-day $60 discount off each track!

These amazing End Addiction tracks are going to help you:

  1. Redefine yourself
  2. Prevent relapse
  3. Grow new brain pathways
  4. Detox your subconscious
  5. Reprogram hard-wired beliefs
  6. Feel whole again

Host and certified hypnotist Steve G Jones usually sells these types of tracks at a premium price, because they are so popular with his regular clients... celebrities, Fortune 500 executives, sports stars and the like.

But he was worried that the prices he usually charges might put them out of reach of regular people... and he really wants you to have these!

They usually sell for $69.95 per track... but for this weekend only you can get any of his End Addiction tracks for only $9.95

Grab your heavily discounted tracks at this special link before Monday when the price WILL go up:

=> End Addiction Self Hypnosis Tracks - 3 Day Pricing (Link Here)

Ending addiction with the struggle is easier than ever.

Have an amazing weekend :)

Your friend,

Your Name

End your addiction to smoking quickly with this…


Subject: End your addiction to smoking quickly with this.

Subject: Do you want to stop smoking? Try this

HI {!firstname_fix},

Just imagine being able to effortlessly end your addiction to smoking by listening to an audio track…

>> Stop smoking today (Link Here)

Dr.Steve G Jones has created a self-hypnosis audio track that will reprogram your mind to stop thinking about cigarettes permanently even if you are on a pack or two a day.

If you are tired of being a slave to smoking…

If you have tried to give up and failed before…

If you are ready to live smoke-free…

And want to be around longer for the people in your life you love…

…then this is precisely what you need. Break free from this unhealthy habit…

And if you HURRY, you can claim your 85% discount off this Stop smoking program (3 days only):

>> Get your stop smoking self-hypnosis program today (Link Here)

Sign off

Your Name

P.S If you’re not fully committed to giving up for good. Grab the track and listen. It may change your mind.


End Your T.V addiction with this…


Subject: End Your T.V addiction with this…

Subject: Addicted to T.V? Try this

HI {!firstname_fix},

Are you struggling to overcome TV addiction?

With all the binge-watching options via streaming devices these days, it can be way to easy to get sucked into a funnel and let go of your responsibilities.

A great way to stop this habit is through self-hypnosis, which is highly useful to stop those subconscious cravings, and to make your mind desire more beneficial habits instead.

As a result, you'll be free to live a more balanced, productive, and ultimately fulfilling life.

>> End T.V Addiction Self-Hypnosis Tracks (3-day pricing) (Link Here)

This end addiction track is infused with Subaudible Soundwave Technology, which allows you to shift to a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) more quickly, and easily, than regular meditation audio tracks.

Host and certified hypnotist Steve G Jones has created this incredible program so you’ll be able to…

  • Redefine Yourself
  • Prevent Relapse • Grow a new brain
  • Detox your subconscious
  • Reprogram your beliefs
  • And feel FREE and whole again

And best of all, as a celebration of just releasing this to the public...

He's letting me share a crazy 85% discount with you (3 days only):

>> End T.V Addiction self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link Here)

See you soon,



End Your Gambling Addiction with this…


Subject: End Your Gambling Addiction with this…

Subject: Do you want to stop compulsive gambling? Try this

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Just imagine being able to end your gambling addiction…

By listening to an audio track…

You probably already know that what starts as a harmless hobby can turn into an unhealthy addiction with serious consequences.

Not just for you but your loved ones too.

It’s not too late to quit with this simple effective self-hypnosis audio track.

>> Stop compulsive gambling self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link here)

This end addiction track is infused with Subaudible Soundwave Technology, which allows you to shift to a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) more quickly, and easily, than regular meditation audio tracks.

Host and certified hypnotist Steve G Jones has created this incredible program so you’ll be able to….

  1. Redefine Yourself
  2. Prevent Relapse
  3. Grow a new brain
  4. Detox your subconscious
  5. Reprogram your beliefs
  6. And feel FREE and whole again

And best of all, as a celebration of just releasing this to the public...

He's letting me share a crazy 85% discount with you (3 days only):

>> End your Gambling addiction self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link here)

See you soon,



End Your Alcohol Addiction with this…


Subject: End Your Alcohol Addiction with this

Subject: Cures alcoholism in minutes

Hi {!firstname_fix)

Are you struggling to overcome Alcohol addiction?

Overcoming a drinking problem can be a long bumpy road.

Often, it may feel like it’s impossible….

And as you already know, alcoholism affects you and also your loved ones.

A great way to stop this habit is through self-hypnosis, which is highly effective to stop those subconscious cravings, and to make your mind desire more beneficial habits instead.

As a result, you'll be free to live a more balanced, productive, and ultimately fulfilling life.

>> Stop Drinking self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link Here)

This end addiction track is infused with Subaudible Soundwave Technology, which allows you to shift to a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) more quickly, and easily, than regular meditation audio tracks.

Host and certified hypnotist Steve G Jones has created this incredible program so you’ll be able to….

  • Prevent Relapse
  • Redefine yourself
  • Grow a new brain
  • Detox your subconscious
  • Reprogram your beliefs
  • And feel FREE and whole again

And best of all, as a celebration of just releasing this to the public...

He's letting me share a crazy 85% discount with you (3 days only):

>> End your Alcohol addiction self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link Here)

See you soon,



End your Drug Addiction with this…


Subject: End your Drug Addiction with this…

Subject: Get clean now with self-hypnosis

Hi (!firstname_fix}

Are you struggling to overcome drug addiction?

Overcoming a drug problem can be a long bumpy road full of many challenges.

Often, it may feel like it’s impossible….

And as you already know drug addictions affect you but also your family and friends.

A great way to stop this habit is through self-hypnosis, which is highly effective to stop those subconscious cravings, and to make your mind desire more beneficial habits instead.

As a result, you'll be free to live a more balanced, productive, and ultimately fulfilling life.

>> End Drug Addiction Self-Hypnosis Program (85% discount) (Link Here)

This end addiction track is infused with Subaudible Soundwave Technology, which allows you to shift to a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) more quickly, and easily, than regular meditation audio tracks.

Host and certified hypnotist Steve G Jones has created this incredible program so you’ll be able to….

  1. Redefine Yourself
  2. Prevent Relapse
  3. Grow a new brain
  4. Detox your subconscious
  5. Reprogram your beliefs
  6. And feel FREE and whole again

And best of all, as a celebration of just releasing this to the public...

He's letting me share a crazy 85% discount with you (3 days only):

The program normally sells for $69.95 but this weekend only you can claim yours for just $9.95

>> End your Drug addiction self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link Here)

See you soon,



End Your Gaming Addiction with this…


Subject: End Your Gaming Addiction with this…

Subject: Addicted to gaming? Try this

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Just imagine being able to end your gaming addiction…

By listening to an audio track…

You probably already know what starts as a harmless hobby can turn into an unhealthy addiction with serious consequences. – Sabotaging your overall health both physical and mental.

Recent studies show that a gaming addiction can also lead to obesity, weakness or numbness in the hands (peripheral neuropathy) and even blood clots and strokes...

It’s not too late to stop this from happening with this simple effective self-hypnosis audio track

>> End You Gaming Addiction with Self=Hypnosis (85% discount) (Link Here)

This end addiction track is infused with Subaudible Soundwave Technology, which allows you to shift to a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) more quickly, and easily, than regular meditation audio tracks.

Host and certified hypnotist Steve G Jones has created this incredible program so you’ll be able to….

  1. Redefine Yourself
  2. Prevent Relapse
  3. Grow a new brain
  4. Detox your subconscious
  5. Reprogram your beliefs
  6. And feel FREE and whole again

And best of all, as a celebration of just releasing this to the public...

He's letting me share a crazy 85% discount with you (3 days only):

>> End your Gaming addiction self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link Here)

See you soon,



End Your Shopping Addiction with this…


Subject: End Your Shopping Addiction with this…

Subject: Addicted to Shopping? Try this

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Shopping can be fun and great therapy when you are feeling down.

But it can quickly spiral into an addiction….

Especially when you are….

  • Spending more than they can afford
  • Shopping as a reaction to feeling angry or unhappy
  • Shopping as a way to reduce guilt about a previous shopping spree
  • Harming your relationships due to spending or shopping too often
  • Losing control of your ability to say “no”

However, It’s not too late to get your shopping addiction under control with this simple, effective self-hypnosis audio track.

>> End your shopping addiction self-hypnosis program (85% off) (Link Here)

This end addiction track is infused with Subaudible Soundwave Technology, which allows you to shift to a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) more quickly, and easily, than regular meditation audio tracks.

Host and certified hypnotist Steve G Jones has created this incredible program so you’ll be able to….

  1. Redefine Yourself
  2. Prevent Relapse
  3. Grow a new brain
  4. Detox your subconscious
  5. Reprogram your beliefs
  6. And feel FREE and whole again

And best of all, as a celebration of just releasing this to the public...

He's letting me share a crazy 85% discount with you (3 days only):

>> End your shopping addiction self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link Here)

See you soon,



End Your Sugar Addiction with this…


Subject: End Your Sugar Addiction with this…

Subject: Addicted to Sugar? Try this

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Are you struggling with low energy, stubborn excess weight, and constant sugar cravings…

Having a high sugar intake can increase your risk of many dangerous health problems, including high blood pressure, rapid weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and more...

It also reduces your minds ability to feel motivated and focused, and in general, people who rely on a high sugar intake struggle with a lack of energy and fatigue.

However, It is not too late to take control of your sugar addiction with this simple self-hypnosis audio track.

>> End Your Sugar Addiction with Self-Hypnosis (85% discount) (Link Here)

This end addiction track is infused with Subaudible Soundwave Technology, which allows you to shift to a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) more quickly, and easily, than regular meditation audio tracks.

Host and certified hypnotist Steve G Jones has created this incredible program so you’ll be able to….

  1. Redefine Yourself
  2. Prevent Relapse
  3. Grow a new brain
  4. Detox your subconscious
  5. Reprogram your beliefs
  6. And feel FREE and whole again

And best of all, as a celebration of just releasing this to the public...

He's letting me share a crazy 85% discount with you (3 days only):

>> End your Sugar addiction self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link Here)

See you soon,



End Your Binge Eating Addiction with this…


Subject: End Your Binge Eating Addiction with this…

Subject: Addicted to food? Try this

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Many people who binge eat tell of it being like an out of control “hell”

Making you feel disgusting, shameful, and sad…

Overcoming binge eating can be a struggle and often feel like it is impossible…

However, It is not too late to take control of your sugar addiction with this simple self-hypnosis audio track.

You may have decided to do something about this because you want to break the emotional cycle that comes with binge eating.

Alternatively, perhaps you’re also concerned about your health and the effects of this habit on your physical well-being and weight.

So you can finally feel free and live each day with maximum health, clarity & joy!

>> End Your Binge Eating Addiction Self-Hypnosis Program (85% Discount) (Link Here)

This end addiction track is infused with Subaudible Soundwave Technology, which allows you to shift to a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) more quickly, and easily, than regular meditation audio tracks.

Host and certified hypnotist Steve G Jones has created this incredible program so you’ll be able to….

  1. Redefine Yourself
  2. Prevent Relapse
  3. Grow a new brain
  4. Detox your subconscious
  5. Reprogram your beliefs
  6. Feel FREE and whole again

And best of all, as a celebration of just releasing this to the public...

He's letting me share a crazy 85% discount with you (3 days only):

>> End your Gambling addiction self-hypnosis program (85% discount) (Link Here)

See you soon,



3-day Weekend Promotion

[Friday Email] How To End Addiction (Weekend Special)


Subject: How To End Addiction (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

If you’re struggling to overcome a difficult addiction in your life (smoking, sugar, alcohol, excessive shopping, gambling, etc.)…

…here’s something that could help.

My friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones, is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist. He’s worked with celebrities, Fortune 500 CEOs, and regular folks like us.

He’s been featured on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and Bravo TV's "Millionaire Matchmaker."

And he's just come out with a brand-new self-hypnosis track called "End Addiction":

=> End Addiction Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Dr. Steve designed this track to help disrupt negative thought patterns related to cravings.

And I’m happy to let you know that Dr. Steve is graciously offering this fantastic new track at 85% OFF of the regular price until Sunday midnight!

=> End Addiction Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

And here are the other benefits as well:

  1. Break Negative Thought Habits
  2. Prevent Relapse
  3. Detox Your Subconscious
  4. Reprogram Hard-Wired Beliefs
  5. Feel WHOLE Again

Usually, this audio program goes for $69.95, but for a limited time, you can get it for only $9.95!

(That's a total savings of $60!)

I strongly suggest getting it before the weekend’s over:

=> End Addiction Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Have a great weekend!

Your name


[Saturday Email] Re: Key To Ending Addiction For Good


Subject: Re: Key To Ending Addiction For Good


I’ve been getting tons of emails after I shared something special with them.

Many of them have been struggling with an addiction of some kind (e.g., gambling, smoking, shopping, etc.)…

…and they told me that what I sent them couldn’t have come at a better time.

My friend and clinical hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G. Jones just released a brand-new self-hypnosis track called “End Addiction” which disrupts negative thought patterns related to addiction.

And I’m excited to tell you that it’s now available for JUST $9.95 instead of the regular price of $69.95:

=> End Addiction Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This unique audio program is the key to mental clarity – PLUS these benefits:

  1. Break Negative Thought Habits
  2. Prevent Relapse
  3. Detox Your Subconscious
  4. Reprogram Hard-Wired Beliefs
  5. Feel WHOLE Again

I strongly recommend taking advantage of the 85% discount, which is only available until this weekend:

=> End Addiction Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Here's to a happier, healthier, and vibrant YOU!

Your name


[Sunday Email] Last chance to get this


Subject: Last chance to get this


Just wanted to let you know that "End Addiction" is still available for $9.95 - but only until TODAY:

=> Last Chance To Get ‘End Addiction’ Self-Hypnosis Track (Link Here)

This powerful new self-hypnosis audio track is designed to help people overcome their addictions – PLUS these benefits:

  1. Break Negative Thought Habits
  2. Prevent Relapse
  3. Detox Your Subconscious
  4. Reprogram Hard-Wired Beliefs
  5. Feel WHOLE Again

So, I strongly suggest getting this unique audio program before it goes back to FULL price ($69.95):

=> Last Chance To Get ‘End Addiction’ Self-Hypnosis Track (Link Here)

Hope you have a great day!

Your name



Subject: End Addiction NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you want to break free from addiction and reclaim your happiness, here’s something that could help:

>> Get 'End Addiction' NOW (Link Here)

My friend, Dr. Steve G Jones, is a clinical hypnotherapist who helps people disrupt their negative thought patterns related to addiction.

For just minutes a day, you can curb subconscious cravings and cultivate healthier habits instead:

>> Get 'End Addiction' NOW (Link Here)

Here's to a happier, healthier, and vibrant YOU!

Your Name


No More Worrying Self Hypnosis Track

It's Time To Stop Overthinking & Bring Positive Energy Into Your Life

3-day Weekend Promotion

[Friday Email] It's Time To Stop Overthinking & Bring Positive Energy Into Your Life


Subject: How To Stop Worrying (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

If you’re dealing with worrisome thoughts about money, work, family, or anything else…

…I want to help.

My friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones, is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist for CEOs, Fortune 500 clients, celebrities, and everyday folks like you and I.

He’s been interviewed on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and has appeared on Bravo TV’s “Millionaire Matchmaker”…

…and I’m excited to let you know about his latest self-hypnosis program called “No More Worrying":

=> No More Worrying Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This is a fantastic audio program that Dr. Steve created to help people stop ruminating and overthinking…

…and he's offering it at a massive 85% DISCOUNT ($60 off!) - but ONLY until Sunday midnight:

=> No More Worrying Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Here’s what this powerful audio track can do for you:

  1. Slow down your thoughts and feel at peace
  2. Release emotional baggage
  3. Reduce fatigue and feel re-energized
  4. Manage stress effortlessly
  5. Train your mind to develop positive thought habits
  6. Feel Excited for an fantastic future

This track is normally available for $69.95, but just for this weekend, it's yours for ONLY $9.95!

It’s time to bring more positive energy into your life:

=> No More Worrying Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

That’s all for now, but I’ll talk to you soon :)

Hope you have a vibrant, stress-free day!

Your name


[Saturday Email] Your ‘No More Worrying’ Mindset


Subject: Re: Your ‘No More Worrying’ Mindset


A lot of people have been thanking me for something I shared with them recently.

You see, they’ve been wrestling with worrisome thoughts and a LOT of overthinking…

…and they feel MUCH better after listening to an amazing new audio track called “No More Worrying”:

=> No More Worrying Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Here’s the good news: it usually sells for $69.95, but it's now available for JUST $9.95but only for this weekend.

And this powerful self-hypnosis program will help you:

  1. Slow down your thoughts and feel at peace
  2. Release emotional baggage
  3. Reduce fatigue and feel re-energized
  4. Manage stress effortlessly
  5. Train your mind to develop positive thought habits
  6. Feel excited for a fantastic future

So, for the next three days, you can take advantage of this incredible offer…

…and I suggest you check it out before it goes back to FULL price:

=> No More Worrying Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

I’ll talk to you again soon :)

Your name


[Sunday Email] Last chance to get this


Subject: Last chance to get this


I just wanted to let you know that this is your last chance to get “No More Worrying” for JUST $9.95:

=> No More Worrying Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

If you’re feeling overwhelmed from overthinking, then this track can help you:

  1. Slow down your thoughts and feel at peace
  2. Release emotional baggage
  3. Reduce fatigue and feel re-energized
  4. Manage stress effortlessly
  5. Train your mind to develop positive thought habits
  6. Feel excited for a fantastic future

This is the quickest and easiest way to have a vibrant, stress-free day.

Normally, it’s priced at $69.95, but you can STILL enjoy your massive 85% DISCOUNT by getting it before Sunday midnight:

=> No More Worrying Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Take care and bye for now!

Your name


[Mail Anytime] Get ‘No More Worrying’ NOW


Subject: Get ‘No More Worrying’ NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you’re dealing with worrisome thoughts about money, work, family, or anything else…

…this is the quickest and easiest way to slow down your thoughts and feel at peace:

>> Get ‘No More Worrying’ Now (Link Here)

My friend Dr. Steve G Jones is a clinical hypnotherapist who designed this powerful self-hypnosis track to reprogram your subconscious to manage stress and release emotional baggage effortlessly:

>> Get ‘No More Worrying’ Now (Link Here)

Here’s to a more positive and mentally resilient YOU!

Your Name


The Decluttered Mind Self Hypnosis Track

It’s Time To Organize Your Thoughts, Live In The Present, Stay Focused All Day And Reach Your Full Potential!

3-day Weekend Promotion

[Friday Email] Enjoy a Decluttered Mind (Weekend Special)


Subject: Enjoy a Decluttered Mind (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

If your brain is overwhelmed with a stream of mental clutter…

…I want to help clear your thoughts and have peace of mind.

My friend Dr. Steve G. Jones is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist who works with Fortune 500 clients, CEOs, celebrities, and everyday folks like us.

He's also been interviewed on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and featured on Bravo TV's "Millionaire Matchmaker."

And he's just come out with a brand-new self-hypnosis track called "The Decluttered Mind":

=> The Decluttered Mind Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Dr. Steve designed this track to help you achieve mental clarity and free up some headspace.

And I'm excited to tell you that this track is now on sale for 85% OFF until Sunday midnight!

=> The Decluttered Mind Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Listening to this amazing audio track can help you:

  1. Clear Your Mind And Release Stress
  2. Stay Laser-Focused And Boost Productivity
  3. Enjoy Emotional Balance
  4. Break Negative Thought Habits
  5. Remove Mental Blocks
  6. Sleep Better at Night

Usually, this amazing audio program is $69.95, but just for this weekend, Dr. Steve is offering this track for only $9.95!

(That's a total savings of $60!)

Take advantage of this HUGE discount while you still can:

=> The Decluttered Mind Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

That's it for now.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Your name


[Saturday Email] How To Declutter Your Mind Quickly


Subject: Re: How To Declutter Your Mind Quickly


Lately, I've been getting a ton of emails because people have been thanking me for sharing something with them.

One person wrote:

"My mind has been a mess for the past couple of weeks so this couldn't have come a better time! Thank you so much!"

You see, I shared a powerful new self-hypnosis audio track called "The Decluttered Mind."

My friend Dr. Steve G. Jones designed this program to clear your mind, free up some headspace and help you think straight.

And just for this weekend, you can get it for ONLY $9.95 instead of the regular price of $69.95:

=> The Decluttered Mind Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Here's what this track can do for you:

  1. Clear Your Mind And Release Stress
  2. Stay Laser-Focused And Boost Productivity
  3. Enjoy Emotional Balance
  4. Break Negative Thought Habits
  5. Remove Mental Blocks
  6. Sleep Better at Night

I recommend you take advantage of the incredible 85% discount while you still can. Once the weekend's over, it goes back to FULL price.

=> The Decluttered Mind Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now!

Your name


[Sunday Email] Last chance to get this


Subject: Last chance to get this


Just letting you know that this is your LAST chance to get "The Decluttered Mind" for ONLY $9.95…

=> The Decluttered Mind Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This powerful new self-hypnosis program is designed to quickly remove mental clutter AND help you enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Clear Your Mind And Release Stress
  2. Stay Laser-Focused And Boost Productivity
  3. Enjoy Emotional Balance
  4. Break Negative Thought Habits
  5. Remove Mental Blocks
  6. Sleep Better at Night

You still have some time left to get this track for just $9.95…

…so I strongly suggest acting now BEFORE the 85% discount ends!

=> The Decluttered Mind Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Let's talk again soon!

Your name


[Mail Anytime] Get 'The Decluttered Mind' NOW


Subject: Get 'The Decluttered Mind' NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you feel overwhelmed with a constant stream of mental clutter…

…here's a powerful way to clear your thoughts and enjoy some peace of mind:

>> Get 'The Decluttered Mind' NOW (Link Here)

Dr. Steve G Jones is a clinical hypnotherapist (and a good friend of mine) who helps people overcome negative thought patterns and achieve mental clarity.

And he recently released this self-hypnosis track to help you enjoy PEACE of mind and release stress – in just minutes a day!

>> Get 'The Decluttered Mind' NOW (Link Here)

Have a great day!

Your Name


The Doer's Brain Self Hypnosis Track

It's time to stop the excuses, get more things done and become a person of action who creates REAL change in their life!

3-day Weekend Promotion

[Friday Email] How To Get a Doer’s Brain (Weekend Special)


Subject: How To Get a Doer’s Brain (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

If you’re tired of procrastinating and making excuses, I want to help.

My friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones, is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist. He’s worked with celebrities, Fortune 500 CEOs, and regular folks like us.

He’s been featured on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and Bravo TV's "Millionaire Matchmaker."

And he's just come out with a brand-new self-hypnosis track called "The Doer’s Brain":

=> The Doer’s Brain Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Dr. Steve designed this track to help you cultivate rock-solid self-discipline and get more things done in a shorter amount of time.

And just for this weekend, Dr. Steve is graciously offering this fantastic new track at 85% OFF of the regular price!

=> The Doer’s Brain Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

And here are the other benefits of listening to this unique audio program:

  1. Prime Your Subconscious For Success
  2. Stay Laser-Focused And Boost Productivity
  3. Break Negative Thought Habits
  4. Remove Mental Blocks
  5. Work With Excellence and Integrity At ALL Times

Normally, you can get this for $69.95, but Dr. Steve is offering this track for only $9.95!

That's a total savings of $60, so I recommend getting it while you still can:

=> The Doer’s Brain Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

That's it for now.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Your name


[Saturday Email] Your ‘Doer’s Brain’ Mindset


Subject: Re: Your ‘Doer’s Brain’ Mindset


Lots of people have been sending me ‘thank you’ emails after I shared something special with them.

Here's why: these folks have been struggling with procrastinating and putting off important work...

…and after listening to a brand-new self-hypnosis track called "The Doer's Brain", they couldn't be more grateful.

My friend and clinical hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G. Jones designed this audio program to disrupt negative thought patterns that make people put off work and waste time.

And the great news is that YOU can get it for ONLY $9.95 instead of the regular price of $69.95:

=> The Doer’s Brain Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

And here are the other benefits of this fantastic new track:

  1. Prime Your Subconscious For Success
  2. Stay Laser-Focused And Boost Productivity
  3. Break Negative Thought Habits
  4. Remove Mental Blocks
  5. Work With Excellence and Integrity At ALL Times

The incredible 85% discount is only available until this weekend, so I strongly suggest taking advantage of this offer before it goes back to full price!

=> The Doer’s Brain Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now!

Your name


[Sunday Email] Last chance to get this


Subject: Last chance to get this


Just a friendly reminder that this is your LAST day to get "The Doer’s Brain" for ONLY $9.95…

=> The Doer’s Brain Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This powerful new self-hypnosis audio track is designed to cultivate better habits and beliefs that banish procrastination – PLUS these benefits:

  1. Prime Your Subconscious For Success
  2. Stay Laser-Focused And Boost Productivity
  3. Break Negative Thought Habits
  4. Remove Mental Blocks
  5. Work With Excellence and Integrity At ALL Times

The 85% discount ends today, so I highly suggest getting it while you still can!

=> The Doer’s Brain Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Take care, and have a great day!

Your name


[Mail Anytime] Get 'The Doer’s Brain' NOW


Subject: Get 'The Doer’s Brain' NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you’re tired of procrastinating and not getting anything done, here’s a powerful way to break free from those old patterns:

>> Get 'The Doer’s Brain' NOW (Link Here)

Dr. Steve G Jones is a clinical hypnotherapist (and a good friend of mine) who helps people overcome negative thought habits so they can become their most vibrant and successful selves.

And this powerful new self-hypnosis audio track can help you cultivate a better mindset to get more things done – all by listening to it for just minutes a day!

>> Get 'The Doer’s Brain' NOW (Link Here)

Here’s to a more productive and successful YOU!

Your Name


Money Momentum Kickstart Self Hypnosis Track

It’s Time To Build Momentum Toward Financial Success And Keep Money-Making Systems In Perpetual Motion!

3-day Weekend Promotion

[Friday Email] Get ‘Money Momentum Kickstart’ (Weekend Special)


Subject: Get ‘Money Momentum Kickstart’ (Weekend Special)

Hi [name],

If you want to kickstart a bright future filled with wealth and abundance…

…here’s something that could help.

My friend, Dr. Steve G. Jones, is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist who’s been featured on CNN, NBC, and CBS, and Bravo TV's "Millionaire Matchmaker."

He’s worked with celebrities, Fortune 500 CEOs, and regular folks like us.

Recently, Dr. Steve released a powerful new self-hypnosis track called "Money Momentum Kickstart":

=> Money Momentum Kickstart Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Dr. Steve designed this track to re-wire your Internal Financial Compass – this is the key making better decisions AND creating systems that generate passive income.

And I’m excited to tell you that he’s offering this fantastic new track audio program for 85% OFF until Sunday midnight!

=> Money Momentum Kickstart Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Get ready for a total mindset makeover as you enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Recalibrate Your Internal Financial Compass
  2. Act From a Place of Abundance (and NOT scarcity)
  3. Map Out An UNSTOPPABLE Path To Success
  4. Reprogram Hard-Wired Beliefs About Money
  5. Move AGGRESSIVELY Towards Your Goals

Normally, the full price is $69.95, but you can get it for only $9.95 if you act now!

That’s why I suggest checking out this incredible offer before the weekend’s over:

=> Money Momentum Kickstart Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Have a great weekend!

Your name


[Saturday Email] Key To Kickstarting Your Money Momentum


Subject: Re: Key To Kickstarting Your Money Momentum


I’ve been getting ‘thank you’ emails non-stop from folks who’ve been struggling financially.

I recently shared something special with them and they told me it couldn’t have come at a better time.

You see, my friend and clinical hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G. Jones just released a brand-new self-hypnosis track called “Money Momentum Kickstart”…

…and I’m happy to let you know that it’s available for ONLY $9.95 (instead of the regular price of $69.95):

=> Money Momentum Kickstart Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

This unique audio program is designed to break negative habits - PLUS these benefits:

  1. Recalibrate Your Internal Financial Compass
  2. Act From a Place of Abundance (and NOT scarcity)
  3. Map Out An UNSTOPPABLE Path To Success
  4. Reprogram Hard-Wired Beliefs About Money
  5. Move AGGRESSIVELY Towards Your Goals

And you can enjoy the 85% discount until Sunday midnight:

=> Money Momentum Kickstart Self-Hypnosis Track (3-Day Pricing) (Link Here)

Here’s to more wealth, success and happiness!

Your name


[Sunday Email] Last chance to get this


Subject: Last chance to get this


Here’s your last chance to get "Money Momentum Kickstart" for ONLY $9.95:

=> Download ‘Money Momentum Kickstart’ Self-Hypnosis Track NOW (Link Here)

Here’s how this unique audio track can transform your mindset:

  1. Recalibrate Your Internal Financial Compass
  2. Act From a Place of Abundance (and NOT scarcity)
  3. Map Out An UNSTOPPABLE Path To Success
  4. Reprogram Hard-Wired Beliefs About Money
  5. Move AGGRESSIVELY Towards Your Goals

I highly recommend that you check out this unique audio program before it goes back to FULL price ($69.95):

=> Download ‘Money Momentum Kickstart’ Self-Hypnosis Track NOW (Link Here)

Here’s to a happier, wealthier and more successful YOU!

Your name


[Mail Anytime] Get ‘Money Momentum Kickstart’ NOW


Subject: Get ‘Money Momentum Kickstart’ NOW

Hi {!firstname_fix}

If you want to kickstart your wealth, quickly gain traction and start living with abundance, this can help:

>> Get 'Money Momentum Kickstart' NOW (Link Here)

My friend, Dr. Steve G Jones, is a clinical hypnotherapist who works with Fortune 500 CEOs, celebrities, and regular folks like us.

He specializes in helping people transform themselves on a subconscious level so they can be their wealthiest, most successful and most vibrant selves…

…and today, he wants to help YOU:

>> Get 'Money Momentum Kickstart' NOW (Link Here)

Have a great day!

Your Name


Swipe Copy Email

Below you'll find pre-written emails to send to your subscribers telling them about the Dream Life Mastery course.

Simply copy the text from the box below, modify the email to suit your style, and watch the sales come in from your newsletter autoresponder. 

Make sure you insert the appropriate 'Firstname' etc tags for your autoresponder, and insert your affiliate hoplink.


Dream Life Mastery Program – Masterclass (Main offer)

Abundance in minutes a day


Subject: Abundance in minutes a day

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Want to know the lazy persons secret to ultimate abundance?

That works faster than anything else you might have tried before

>> Shortcut to abundance in minutes a day. (Link here)

All you have to do is use this to reprogram your inner mind, towards an abundant life of wealth, success and happiness.

…and remove the invisible barriers that are holding you back.

In less than FIVE minutes from now, you’ll be able to quickly and easily build a life that you love, complete with more wealth & phenomenal success in achieving your goals…

Give it a shot right now (Link Here)

And check the link above NOW. It might not be online for too long.

Sign off

Your Name


Do you want to live your dream life?


Subject: Do you want to live your dream life?

{!firstname_fix} You won’t believe this!

This one thing will make you quest for abundance a whole lot easier

Welcome to your new wealth pathway.

that will help you design and build

a dream life you love…

>> Discover your wealth pathway to a better life (Link Here)

Let clinical hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G Jones help you harness The power of your mind…

…and swing open the doors of limitless opportunity to live the life you which you are destined.

Eliminate the obstacles that until now have STOPPED you getting where you want to be and it only takes a few minutes a day.

You already have one hand on your dream life… you are only missing this tiny ingredient.

Living your dream life should not be a fruitless never-ending struggle…

And Dr.Steve will show you exactly how when you click here (Link Here)


Your Name

P.S If you don’t know who Dr. Steve G Jones is then you need to check this out. He is at the top of his game and is regularly sort out by both celebraties and regular folk like you and me. Check this out now and start living your dream life (Link Here)