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7 Keys To Reducing Stress


7 Keys To Reducing Stress

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

If you’d like to reduce stress, sleep better, and wake up feeling excited and optimistic about the day ahead, then check this out:

[Wake Up Calm - Put A Stop To Stress & Anxiety For Good] (Your Affiliate Link)

Today I want to talk to you about 7 keys that can help to reduce stress to a productive level, one in which it’s helpful, and not harmful.

James and Cathy have 3 children, one of them is in high school and the others are in elementary school.

Cathy works part time as a Dental Nurse, and James is a Real Estate Agent.

Some years are good for James, but this year in particular was really slow.

A lot of real estate agents were adopting new methods of selling, including flying drones through homes and getting nice looking videos online…

…The kind of stuff that made people want to choose them over James to sell their houses.

Whether or not it had a real effect on sales wasn’t the point, if they chose another agent, then he’s making less commissions.

James and Cathy had a large weekly mortgage payment going out, kids were playing sports that costed money, and other agents were bragging about how well they were doing…

…Which made James go silent as he was feeling highly stressed.

It actually made him freeze up and watch TV more and do even LESS work, when he needed to be at his best.

Cathy was frustrated at him because she felt he needed to be doing MORE, but in reality, James needed do these things…

7 Keys To Reducing Stress

  1. Reduce the feeling of stress to a productive level.

  2. Realise that doing more hours, is rarely the solution in any form of business.

  3. Embrace change, and adopt a mindset of excitement about potential innovations in the industry.

  4. Stay disciplined in his habits. It’s not a matter of doing more, it’s more a matter of keeping up those long term habits that are most likely to maintain long term success.

  5. Be willing to meet new people and step outside the comfort zone a little.

  6. Cultivate a habit of optimism, learning and constant improvement. Trying to hold on to how things WERE in any area of life is futile. It’s important to embrace change, accept what has happened, enjoy the challenge, and chase hard for what could be.

  7. Stop fortune telling. The brain feels more comfortable when it can predict the future, but in cases where it can’t, or the forecast is potentially grim, then stress and anxiety set in.

Sometimes all that you are in control of is what happens today, that NEXT STEP, and the habits you keep that inevitably lead to more positive outcomes.

For many people, overcoming stress requires a change in the lens from which they see the world.

They need to imprint those 7 keys above upon their mind. They need to flip the switch so that their mind sees the silver lining in the stressful situation, so that they can not only find the right path out of it…

They can enjoy the challenge.

I highly recommend checking out ‘Wake Up Calm’ by Dr. Steve G. Jones.

It’s currently on special at the link below:

[Wake Up Calm - Yes I want to cut my stress levels today!] (Your Affiliate Link)

This track also goes beyond helping reduce stress and promote feelings of optimism. It also helps you to sleep better, which is very helpful towards stress reduction also.

Have a wonderful day!

Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist


Rise Above

3 Reasons We Get “Stuck” In Life - And How To Bounce Back Strong


3 Reasons We Get “Stuck” In Life - And How To Bounce Back Strong

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

“When we are stuck in a rut we are being invited to grow and expand.” ― Dana Arcuri

Alex is the kind of guy that everyone liked. He was always in between jobs and was always broke, but all his family and friends could only say good things about him.

His girlfriend, Kate, thinks that he is the sweetest guy in the world. However, she grew more and more exasperated with him over the years.

She loved Alex for his personality, but he always had trouble taking responsibility for his own life. As a result, Kate felt stuck in a situation where she always has to bail Alex out of trouble.

Things came to a head when Alex got into an accident. His car went off-road and into a ditch. But fortunately, he only suffered a few broken ribs and his leg was in a cast for 3 months.

The bad news was that it was actually Kate’s car, and Alex borrowed it so he could have a night out with his friends.

Needless to say, Kate was extremely upset.

But it wasn’t because of the car, but the fact that Alex’s irresponsibility almost got him killed.

She took care of Alex for the next several months, but she had already decided to break up with him by then.

So after Alex recovered from his accident, he had to take a long, good look at himself and the choices that he made.

This was when he realized that something had to change. It dawned on him that he was always going to be where he was if he didn’t do something about it.

How To Break Free From A Less-Than-Ideal Life

Like Alex, many people lose their direction in life and feel trapped.

You might have a fuzzy idea of the person you want to be - or the kind of life that you want…

...but you don’t really know how to make that happen.

This is where feelings of dissatisfaction come from.

But the good news is that you can, in fact, get out of the rut you’re stuck in - even if you feel the complete opposite.

If you feel like you can’t move forward in life, chances are it has something to do with the 3 following reasons:

Reason #1. You Don’t Know What You Want

Most people don’t realize that they could be so much closer to their ideal future if only they spent real time thinking about what that future actually means.

They only have a vague, nebulous idea of the things that they want. Without a clear idea of what to aspire for, those plans and goals will be just as half-baked.

And so, you need to have a well-defined idea of what your “Point B” is - a.k.a. Where you want to be...

...then work your way back to “Point A”, which is where you are now.

That means you have to have a well-defined “Point B” before you can start plotting your course towards that destination.

To help you with that, here are some questions that you can ask yourself:

  • What kind of values do I live for? Is it truth, helping others, creating beauty in the world, adding value to other people’s lives, etc.?

  • In what way do I express these values in my personal life, and in my work?

  • What kind of problems do I want to solve, and how does this honor my values?

  • What would a typical day in my ideal future look like? Who am I with, and what kind of problems am I solving, and how do I add value to the world?

It’s very much worth your while sitting down and answering these questions. Be as detailed as you can and describe any emotional details as well.

The clearer you can paint this picture, the better sense of PURPOSE you’ll have in your life!

And this is the perfect antidote to feeling “stuck.”

Reason #2. You Don’t Know How To Get It

A lot of people tend to just accept their situation and get used to feeling stuck.

This is often because they have been so beaten down that they felt like there’s nothing to do but give up.

They become desperate and think that there’s really nothing else for them to do. It’s like they are in an endless tunnel with no light to look forward to.

What they don’t realize is that they lack a solid plan to get out of the rut they’re in. That’s why they never achieve the escape velocity to overcome the gravity of their situation.

Worse, they’re afraid to come up with a plan in the first place. Treading water and staying afloat is a lot less scary than trying to move forward and fail.

But in the long run, “protecting” yourself from failure has far worse consequences than making a plan to get un-stuck.

Here’s a good way to get the ball rolling:

  • Get your plan in place: after you’ve spent time figuring out what you want to do (i.e., your Point B), the next step is to translate that desire into an actionable plan. From here you can come up with smaller goals leading up to your Point B.
  • Use the SMART approach: any goals you make should be Specific (well-defined), Measurable (it can be measured in some way), Attainable (it’s actually possible to make accomplish those goals), Relevant (it’s connected to your values and sense of purpose) and Time-based (there’s enough time to execute your plans and there’s a definite timeline)
  • Create checkpoints: any plan should run on a schedule, and that means setting up goalposts on your way to your Point B. So you can break down that big goal into smaller goals, which can each be represented by a specific checkpoint. That way, you’ll have a sense of progress as you reach each checkpoint.
  • Get a planner: the act of writing down your goals on a planner will make your plans feel more tangible and doable. It will also give you a better sense of urgency since you’ll need to schedule your goals on a weekly and monthly basis.

This is a bird’s eye view of the “getting what you want” process, but this is a great way to overcome your inertia and keep moving forward.

Reason #3. You’re Getting In Your Own Way

Here’s the other thing - you’re going to run into a lot of obstacles when trying to get from Point A to Point B.

But you probably know this already. If you feel stuck in some way, that’s a clear sign you’re having trouble overcoming those obstacles.

And the biggest reason people can’t move forward is that they avoid asking the hard questions.

As uncomfortable as it is to grapple with these questions...

...this is the best way to remove those barriers getting in your way of a better life.

That said, it’s worth asking yourself the following:

  • “Which of my habits aren’t serving my true purpose?” - The things that you do repeatedly are either helping you get what you want, or are slowing you down.

    So, make a list of the habits that honor your ultimate goals and those that don’t. With a little humility and self-awareness, you’ll figure out which habits you need to nurture - and which ones to starve.

  • “What thought patterns are making it harder for me to succeed?” - More than daily habits, it’s also worth thinking about the kind of mindset you have when taking on life’s challenges.

    For instance, do you give up easily when you hit a wall - or do you pivot and try a different approach?

    Do you handle frustration well, or do you blow every setback out of proportion? Do you waste time complaining, or do you get busy taking action?

Answering these will give you good indicators or whether or not your mindset could use some tweaking.

This particular area is a HUGE sticking point that most people don’t bother to address.

They might know what they want and have a general plan in place. But if their own mindset is working against them, it’s going to be a very tough uphill battle.

How To Bounce Back And Rise Above Life’s Challenges

As for Alex, he wanted to bounce back from his situation. So, went through the process of figuring out what he wanted.

He was actually a great musician and played guitar in a band, but he’d let that part of his life slide. For the longest time, Alex wanted to get back into it by teaching young kids to play music.

But he’d always find some way to talk himself out of it. He convinced himself it was too hard and it was safer to just work the odd part-time job here and there to pay the rent.

Finally, he realized he needed a major mindset upgrade. It was the only way he could actually push through with his plans.

So as he put in the work to make his plans happen, Alex also tried something else.

He started looking inward and removed the unhealthy beliefs and negative thought patterns that were holding him back. When he figured out how to reprogram his mindset, everything began to fall into place for Alex.

And it was easier than he expected. Soon enough, he managed to get out of his rut and reinvent himself.

CLICK HERE To Learn How To Make that Major Mindset Upgrade, RISE ABOVE Life’s Challenges, and Look Forward To An Amazing Future!


6 Tips To Rise Above Challenges

6 Tips To Rise Above Challenges

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

“Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has many bends, ups and down, but that’s its beauty.”
― Amit Ray, World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird

Daily life will always come with challenges.

It won’t ever go away. There may be some easy days, but there will always be bad days.

I’m not saying these to burst your optimistic bubble.

I’m saying these to preface my tips for you today.

Before I begin though, I want you to check out Rise Above Program here: (Affiliate Link)

Without further ado, here are 6 tips to rise above challenges:

6 Tips to Rise Above Challenges

1. Embrace the Challenges

Obstacles? Don't be Stopped by them be Strengthen by them”
― Bernard Kelvin Clive

There’s no way out. Life will be challenging. Instead of hiding and running from them. Welcome them. Embrace.

Adopting this mindset is easier said than done.

But having this mindset will make your life so much easier.


You can begin by accepting that’s the way life is.

It’s going to challenge you to the core…

Your personality…

Your beliefs…

Your attitude…

Life is going to change you. And resisting that change will only stress you out even more.

Why is it changing you in the first place? You might ask.

It’s because life wants you to grow. And deep down, that’s what you want too.

So embrace them and grow through every challenge.

2. Systematize Your Days

Some days can be better than others.

And for these not-so-easy days…

You might need an extra dose of motivation and happiness to get through them with grace.

It’s easy to lose your temper and lose sight of what’s important when you’re under pressure.

So the ability to deal with the challenges with grace will be so rewarding.

But how?

One way is to systematize your days. Create a routine in the morning and you can also do it at night too.

This routine should be healthy, like meditation, exercise, drinking water, etc.

Checking these activities off the list every single day…

Will give you that extra boost to get through a challenging day with grace.

Your challenges might not become easier, but you’ll become more equipped to tackle them.

3. Focus on One Thing at a Time

Challenges may present themselves all at once.

And if you can’t handle them well. It can be a disaster.

What you can do is to focus on one thing at a time.

Tackle immediate problems first, problems that if not solved immediately…

Can cause unwanted consequences.

Those that can be put off until later, do so.

If it will help you, create a mental list with 3 columns…

The first column will be those that need a solution immediately…

The last column will be those that can be put off until later.

And those that didn’t belong in the first and last will go to the second column.

This way, your thoughts can be more organized, thus helping you to solve your problems.

4. Take Baby Steps

As you go through your challenges, it can be overwhelming and more stressful…

If you’ll go full speed ahead.

It might be better to take baby steps when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Tackle one thing at a time, and do it as relaxed as possible…

You can do that to control your stress.

You don’t have to solve everything on the first day.

5. Focus on the Present

Aside from everything above. It is also important for your mind to focus on the present.

You can practice this by adding meditation to your routine.

But it can also be achieved in other means.

Simply tuning in to your senses will make your mind focus on what’s currently here, now.

Try this….

Notice 5 things in your room, look at them and observe.

Next, hear 5 things you can hear. Listen. Where do you think those came from?

Next, feel 5 things on your body. Your clothes, your arms on the computer, your hands on the phone, etc.

As you do this, your senses will tune into the present. Erasing the unwanted thoughts about the past and the future that can greatly stress you out.

6. Enjoy Fun Moments

Finally, enjoy fun moments. Not every day of your life will be challenging. Some of them will be a breeze. Some will be fun and happy. While you’re here. Enjoy and celebrate. As you did while you’re in a challenging time…

Also, take your happy times moment by moment. Focus on the feeling of joy and happiness.

This will recharge you so when another challenging time comes, you’ll be prepared.

There you have it! I hope I help you prepare for your next challenging episode.

Or help you go through your present one.

Just keep at it. You can do it. You can rise above challenges. I believe in you.

Don’t forget to check out Rise Above Program here: (Affiliate Link)

Wake Up Calm

5 Ways To Squash Stress (And Reduce Anxiety)


5 Ways To Squash Stress (And Reduce Anxiety)

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

“Stress is the trash of modern life-we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.” ― Danzae Pace

Susan, a mom of two in her mid-forties, knew a thing or two about stress.

Her husband is in the military, and that means she has to hold the fort down at home, look after her two pre-teen daughters, and juggle a ton of other responsibilities.

So it’s no surprise that she would find herself exhausted to the bone and mentally drained.

Susan tried to keep herself cheerful and upbeat by watching a bit of Netflix and enjoy a glass of wine before bed.

However, she started to realize that her relaxation ritual became less and less effective as time went on.

For instance, Susan would still find it hard to get a good night’s sleep, so she’d have a rough start the next morning, which made her cranky around her kids.

And she tried distracting herself by spending way too much time scrolling through her social media feed.

But she’d wind up comparing herself to friends and getting into arguments in the comment section.

So, Susan was tired and anxious all the time because she couldn’t cope with the stress that was piling up.

Fortunately, her best friend Mary knew what was going on. She decided to step in and gently convinced Susan to revamp her approach to stress management.

She found it hard at first to change her routine, but Susan learned to embrace her new and improved lifestyle.

After making a few key changes, she’s learned to cut down on her nightcap and binge-watching habit.

And now, Susan checks her social media only once a day before doing something productive with her time.

As a result, Susan is more mentally resilient and she can handle the craziest of days without feeling overwhelmed.

Finding Inner Peace In A Chaotic World

A lot of people find themselves in the same situation as Susan. Unfortunately, they don’t have a system for dealing with the stress that accumulates throughout the week.

And if this goes unchecked, it can lead to long-term consequences, like chronic inflammation, low immunity, high blood pressure, insomnia, depression and heart disease.

That’s why it’s critical to have a system in place that acts as a safety valve to release built-up stress.

Here are some effective ways to take the edge off and get stress down to manageable levels:

#1: Fine Tune Your Self-Awareness

The main challenge with stress is that we often get flooded without even knowing that it’s happening.

And when you’re submerged in feelings related to anxiety, tension or anger, you need to come up for air - here are some great ways to do that:

  • Practice breathing mindfully: most people don’t bother to slow down and understand what’s happening to them in the first place. That’s why meditation is the perfect way to step outside the moment and observe yourself. As you become more aware of your inner world, you’ll gain better mastery over your emotions.

  • Practice acceptance: It’s ok to admit to yourself that you’re feeling stressed or anxious. You’re not meant to fight these emotions, and trying to do so often amplifies them.

    Instead, tell yourself that accepting these negative feelings ISN’T the same as giving up.

    You’re simply acknowledging that you’re not in the best situation right now - but you’re still doing something about it. And that in itself can be a source of relief.

  • Practice critical thinking: Playing the skeptic is another way to stay on top of a stressful or anxious moment.

    Question your thoughts related to stress and anxiety by asking things like, “Is it really reasonable to worry THIS much?”, “Do I have all the facts or am I only going on my emotions?”, “What part of the situation can I control or do something about?”

#2: Tame The Beast Within

Stress can trigger feelings of fear, panic or hopelessness. And while awareness is the first step, you also need to direct that negative energy in a constructive direction.

Aside from practicing mindfulness and meditation, another way to deal with stress is by rewriting the negative dialogue in your head. Most people default to projecting the worst-case scenario in their minds - which is why you should counter that with positive internal dialogue.

For instance, you can come up with a list of positive statements to read to yourself when the occasion calls for it. Try telling yourself things like:

  • “Everything is going to be alright.”
  • “I can take myself out of a bad mood by (insert a relaxing activity - e.g., listening to music, watching a funny video, going for a walk, taking a quick nap, etc.)”
  • “I got through this before and I can get through it again.”
  • “I’m not in an ideal situation now, but I can still take action and make positive changes.”

#3: Eat Better To Feel Better

The human body can deal with stress better if it’s in a better condition to do so. That’s why a big part of stress management involves being on top of your health.

For starters, cutting out the processed food from your diet is a great step forward. Once you start replacing that with nutritionally-dense, whole foods instead, your body and brain will function much better.

Your gut bacteria, in particular, will hugely benefit from better food choices.

Billions of those microscopic organisms living in your digestive system play a significant role in emotional and mental health. A lot of studies over the years show that gut bacteria produce “happy chemicals” such as serotonin and dopamine.

#4: Ditch Your Inner Couch Potato

Many experts point out the risks of a lifestyle lacking in physical activity. For instance, research coming from Johns Hopkins Medicine shows that sedentary people are more likely to develop life-threatening conditions like heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and even cancer.

So not only does exercise help cut down these risks, but it’s also your best weapon against the cumulative effects of stress. And the best thing you could do for yourself is to figure out a simple, low-maintenance exercise routine.

If you can get even get in 10-15 minutes of physical activity daily, you’re already on the right track.

Eventually, you’ll want to make room in your schedule to get in half an hour of exercise 2-3 times a week.

The other easy way to chip away at a sedentary lifestyle is by breaking up long periods of sitting. People who spend most of the day at the computer can get up and move once or twice for every hour of sitting down.

Go somewhere quiet (e.g., the office break room, your living room, an exercise room) and try doing stretches, going for a walk, or doing a handful of jumping jacks. The more you make a habit of this, the less damage sitting down can do to your body (and add to your stress levels).

#5: Stay On Top Of Your Bedtime Routine

A study from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine shows a clear connection between the quality of sleep and stress levels.

Even lacking a few hours of sleep can leave someone feeling irritable, agitated, emotionally unstable and lethargic. This is why it’s VITAL that you set the right conditions for a good night’s rest.

For example, make sure your bedroom is free of any distractions, such as electronics. Switch off all screens a couple of hours before sleeping and do something relaxing instead (e.g. reading a book, meditating, listening to music).

This quiets down your mind and makes it less likely for you to toss and turn at night. Also, make sure your mattress and pillow are ideal for sleeping, and keep your room as cool and dim as possible.

Most folks take this part of their day for granted, but getting a good night’s sleep (BOTH quality and quantity-wise) will make a HUGE difference the next morning.

It sets you up for success and protects you from the stress that builds up throughout the day.

Aside from cultivating better bedtime habits, there’s a quick and easy way to drastically improve the quality of your sleep in as little 30 minutes!

Learn How This Simple Approach Can Help You Beat Stress And Feel Energized & Refreshed In The Morning - CLICK HERE


9 Tips to Sleep Better and Get More Energized Mornings

9 Tips to Sleep Better and Get More Energized Mornings

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

“There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.”
― Homer, The Odyssey

We all get to sleep at night.

But not everyone can be as energized as others when they wake up.

What’s the difference?

Why do some people wake up beaming with energy…

While other people, even after 8-10 hours of sleep, didn’t feel like rested at all?

There are several scientific reasons why that’s the case…

But the root of all this is that people will feel more rested and energized in the morning…

If the quality of their sleep is great.

And when talking about sleep, quality isn’t equal to the duration. So it doesn’t mean that if you slept for 8-10 hours, you’ll have a great quality sleep.

So here I’ll be giving you 9 tips to increase the quality of your sleep.

Before we begin, check out Wake Up Calm program right here: (Affiliate link)

9 Tips to Sleep Better and Get More Energized Mornings

1. Pitch black room at night, sunlight during the day

At night when you’re trying to sleep…

Your room should be as dark as possible. No lights from any sources, thick curtains, etc.

This may not be possible for everyone due to a lot of factors like living conditions, environment, etc.

But at least try to make the room as dark as possible.

At the same time, when you’re awake during the day…

Be sure to get enough sunlight. This will energize you and will calibrate your body rhythm. This way, your body will know when you should be awake, and when you should feel sleepy.

2. No coffee after lunch.

This can be easier than done for coffee lovers. But limit your coffee to 1-2 cups a day, ideally.

And no coffee after lunch.

This can make sleeping easier at night.

3. No naps after 4pm, keep them less than 30 minutes

Don’t we just love taking naps if we have nothing else to do?

But taking long naps and taking them late in the afternoon can make it harder to sleep at night.

It will disrupt your body clock.

Keep your naps as short as 15-20 minutes. That will recharge you just enough to get through the day. And don’t take them after 4pm.

4. The only purpose of your bedroom is for sleeping, work and other matters should be done in other rooms.

Another great way to set the ‘tiredness’ mood is this.

Work and other ‘waking life’ agenda should be done outside the bedroom.

This will set your mind to associate the bedroom with sleep and tiredness at the end of the day.

This is also easier said than done due to lifestyle differences and other factors.

But it’s ideal if you can make this one of your family’s house rules.

5. No phones or electronic gadgets near you.

Add this one to your house rules too.

It’s very tempting to get on your phone and scroll the night away. But this will make it harder for you to sleep.

One reason is that your mind will keep on working…

Therefore making it harder to relax.

Another reason is because of the blue light which can disrupt your body clock.

6. No clocks can help too.

Clocks in the room, especially if you’re finding it hard to sleep…

It can add more anxiety…

And add more sleeplessness.

Without clocks in the room, you’re somehow removing a worry out of your mind.

Sleeplessness can be more worrying if you’re constantly thinking “What time is it?”

And if you don’t have an immediate answer to that, your mind will find it easy to let go of the question.

7. Do some exercises, in the morning

To add to the tiredness factor, you need exercise.

Exercise as you know…

Has many benefits aside from this.

But the main thing it can do to help you sleep better… Is to make your body tired.

But getting this done late in the night can also disrupt your sleeping pattern…

So it’s better to do it in the morning.

8. Follow your circadian rhythm

The ultimate tip to get the best sleep you can get is to follow what’s natural for you.

And that’s to follow your internal clock, body clock, or circadian rhythm.

Another bonus tip related to this one is:

Sleep and wake up at the same time each day. But how do you know what time to sleep and what time to wake up?

9. If you want to know your ideal sleeping ang waking time…

If you can make it possible…

Sleep when you feel sleepy and wake up without any interventions like alarms. Take note of the times you slept, and you woke up.

A pattern will emerge, and once you follow your own circadian rhythm, you’ll be more energized.

With all these tips mentioned in the article, take one and this is the one you should take:

Follow your own internal clock. And you’ll have a greater quality of sleep.

Don’t forget to check out Wake Up Calm program right here: (Affiliate link)

Overflowing Wealth

6 Mindset Secrets of Millionaires


6 Mindset Secrets of Millionaires

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

There is something unique in the way that millionaires think. This ‘mindset’ helps make them more money. Having such a mindset can be life-changing.

If you want to make more money, start with these six mindset secrets of millionaires.

1. Do

Stop hoping, stop thinking, stop just planning, and actually do something. Millionaires are doers.

They work on their ideas and on their plans. This is a very important trait to have if you want to be a millionaire.

A wealth empire is not just gonna fall not your lap fully functioning. It will take work and YOU will have to do that work.

So, stop pining over the fact that you are not yet a millionaire and start doing something.

2. Set Long Term Goals

Don’t only think about the present, think of the future as well. Set goals that can span years or decades. Look ahead and have clear goals of where you want to be in the future.

Why does this work for millionaires? It does so because long term goals force you to deal with questions like, ‘how can I double my income for the next few years’, instead of ‘how can I pay the light bill next month’.

Millionaires are often willing to give up short term conveniences for long term financial ease. Stop falling for the trap of instant gratification.

3. Keep Learning

Millionaires never stop learning. Every new lesson or skill learned is turned into an opportunity to make money. Many live by the adage, ‘The more you learn, the more you will earn.’

Keep improving yourself. Take classes and always be open to learning new skills. Read as much as you can as well.

Some of the most famous millionaires in the world – Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, etc., have professed their love of reading.

Not just any book of course, read books that will help widen your understanding of the world.

Read biographies by millionaires and try applying the lessons they teach to your own life.

4. Don’t ‘Save’ Money

I will start this section with – Yes, you need an emergency fund. Ideally, it should be enough to allow you to pay your bills for at least 6 months if ever you find yourself in financial trouble.

But, don’t save your money for the sake of ‘saving’. Invest your money instead. Don’t let it sit in your bank, earning very little interest.

If investing scares you, you can start with investing in some low risk options. Buy Mutual Funds or buy stocks in blue-chip companies that have a good track record.

Keep in mind though that low risk often leads to low returns. But, at least you are not letting your money just sit in the bank.

5. Focus on Actually Being Wealthy Rather Than Looking Wealthy

This does not mean that you don’t have to look presentable, but don’t go broke doing so. Instead of getting caught in the trappings of wealth, the sports car, the expensive phones, the big mansions, etc., focus instead on growing your wealth.

Avoid spending your money on things that will not earn you any returns.

Be practical in your spending and do not spend to impress other people. Look at some of your favorite millionaires, I am sure that many of them live fairly frugal lifestyles and follow a budget.

6. You are not your Circumstances

It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you have the life you have because of the circumstances you are dealt with.

This is a myth and if if you believe this, then you should definitely change the way you think.

Don’t play the blame game. If you don’t like how something is, then work to change it. Create your own opportunities.


11 Tips to Become Overflowing with Wealth

11 Tips to Become Overflowing with Wealth

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

“Fortune sides with him who dares.”
― Virgil

Everyone aspires to be wealthy…

And there’s a reason why.

The freedom that money can give you can be fascinating.

The ability to not worry about the bills…

The ability to travel…

The ability to finance your business ideas…

It’s very promising.

You’ll be able to fund your children’s education. You’ll be able to support, give, and provide.

But how do you start your path to overflowing wealth?

Here are 11 tips to give you ideas.

Before we begin, you may want to check out Overflowing Wealth program right here: (Affiliate Link)

11 Tips to Become Overflowing With Wealth

1. Learn from those who have already achieved the level of wealth you want to achieve.

Ask yourself, who are you learning from? Are they financially successful people?

What are the pieces of advice that you are often receiving and following?

Every answer here can make or break your chances of financial success.

Make sure to only follow the advice of people with credentials…

Or people who are in a position you want to be in.

Because only they can give you advice that would work…

Because they have experienced what you’re experiencing. And they found the solutions to your problems.

2. Take care of well-meaning advice

Following up on my first tip…

We often hear our relatives, parents, friends, etc. giving us financial advice.

While they really care about us… They’re not really in a position to give such advice.

If they are, why aren’t they wealthy?

I don’t mean to disrespect, and you shouldn’t too. Appreciate their concern, but you should know better.

Learn how to discern. Decide for yourself which of the advice that you’re receiving…

Are actually going to help you.

3. Learn how to invest. Including investments in yourself.

Find an investment vehicle and master it. The stock market, bonds, mutual funds, etc.

One thing I want to say though is that investing is not trading. Investments are when you let your money grow more than bank’s rates…

Therefore, beating inflation.

This can be for your retirement fund...

So start now.

Aside from that, learn how to invest in yourself.

I’m talking about buying books that you’re interested in…

Or enrolling in courses that would make you more money…

Or investing time to learn new skills that can be useful…

All of these can have a potential Return on Investment.

And the knowledge and the value that you’ll give yourself will pay for itself in the long run.

4. Have a wealth pathway, a blueprint.

This one is important. You need to have a ‘vehicle’ to take you to your goals.

What’s a wealth pathway or wealth blueprint?

This can be a business model or a niche.

For example, affiliate marketing, or e-commerce. This can also be Forex Trading…

Or a brick and mortar business, like a restaurant or coffee shop.

Whatever it is, you should master how it works.

If it’s a restaurant, try being an employee of one first. If it’s an online business model, try enrolling on a course first so you can learn how things work.

Other examples include real estate, freelancing, and dropshipping.

5. Find a mentor, virtual or real.

After you have chosen your field, find a master, then be a student.,

This can be the teacher on the online course you enrolled in.,

Or an author on the field.,

Whoever it is, and it whatever way, learn from them.,

From their books, audiobooks, podcasts, seminars, webinars, etc. Soak them all up.,

Even the greatest was once a student, and they are always a student.,

Which leads me to my next point…,

6. Keep learning, be a perpetual student.

You’ll get to the point where you know enough to execute. But you won’t reach the stars if you’ll take your feet off the ground.

Don’t be the smartest guy in the room. Always be learning. You might be able to surpass your first mentor, get a second one. Get more mentors.

In whatever way, always be learning.

7. Try to make the most of your time, avoid procrastination.

Now that you have a blueprint and a mentor.

It’s now time to practice your discipline and be productive.

Avoid procrastination. Make sure that you’re making the most of your time.

Whether it’s studying a course, reviewing materials, or reading a book.

It’s time invested on your part which will be worth it in the future.

8. Find where your passion, purpose, and potential income overlaps, and do that.

This is ideal, so try to do this.

There’s something that you can make money from, which you enjoy, and serves your purpose while you’re alive.

That’s the best thing to dedicate your life to.

9. Focus on providing value to people, not making money.

The value you provide your people equals the money you’re making.

If you’re all about their money, without giving value in return, you’ll find it very difficult to succeed.

Focus on giving value, the money will follow.

Always try to overdeliver.

10. Save up an emergency fund.

I mentioned that money in the bank will decrease in value because of inflation.

But your emergency fund should be in the bank…

So you can withdraw anytime you want to.

The suggestion is to have your monthly salary multiplied by 6, should be your emergency fund. Build it together with your retirement fund…

And your financial house will be stronger and safer.

11. Learn to spend wisely

Finally, learn to spend wisely.

Not because it’s on sale, you need to buy it.

One tip I can give you regarding this is to eat before going to the groceries. So you won’t feel hungry and buy more than what’s on the list.

If you can’t stop yourself from buying clothes, for example, then don’t window shop.

Don’t forget to check out Overflowing Wealth program right here: (Affiliate Link)

Wired For Joy

8 Ways To Feel Happier


8 Ways To Feel Happier

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Happiness is what many people want to achieve. However, finding out what really makes us happy and how to feel happier is not an easy journey.

What does it really take to be happy? Happiness, is one of those things you either have or don't have based on the combination of life circumstances and natural disposition.

Here are 8 ways to feel happy:

1. Do one nice thing for yourself daily.

How about taking some time everyday to do nice things for yourself?

Either you get yourself a small treat by buying yourself a nice cup of espresso at your favorite coffee shop or taking a 30 minute to an hour nap before going out to do your adult stuff.

It would also be nice if you can schedule bigger self-care activities like massages or going on a vacation on a monthly basis.

If you start doing nice things for yourself and taking care of yourself, you'll find the feeling of fullness and happiness and should be able to help others.

2. Prioritize your health.

Start taking supplements and vitamins! You body need those. Having the right fuel to push your body and increase your strength and stamina is one way of getting the feeling of happiness.

Sugar and other bad eating habits affect our energy and mood which hinders us from being happy.

Try to have a goal of exercising at least minimum of 5 days a week. As for the type of work out that's really up to you. The rule is do what makes you happy.

Choose an activity that you will enjoy and not get bored with it!

If your not into hard core activities, then try doing yoga or pilates as long as the blood and oxygen is properly circulating inside your body that will activate the body's natural healing powers that can give you the feeling of happiness.

3. Forgive yourself!

Forgiveness plays a big part in being happy! There are times that we don't really think of forgiving ourselves. But little did we know we often criticize ourselves and it brings down our confidence level.

Forgiving yourself is quite challenging, as most of us have been getting angry at ourselves for some things that we did wrong as we age.

We often think of the things that we could have done and could have not done to make things better.

A lot of us get into trouble because we tried to be perfect and beat themselves up if they're not. Loving yourself for who you are means accepting yourself.

4. Start your day with a SMILE!

Start your morning with a prayer and a big SMILE!

Being grateful for a great sleep and waking up in the morning is something that you should be happy about.

Did you know that when you smile, the muscles in our face send a signal to our brains and create a better mood biologically.

When we smile, our body releases a powerful chemical reaction in our brain that can make you feel happier.

A smile can change everything, that one thing that you'll realize quire fast especially when you are traveling. It's the most international language that everyone knows.

It's even contagious, not just because of how it looks from the outside but also because of the intention and the feeling that is behind that smile.

Pretty sure you'll realize that if you smile a someone you don't even know, or some who just pass by you, it will bring them good vibes, which make you want to pass that smile to the next person and son and so forth.

5. Be kind to someone.

Why does being kind to someone is one way of being happy? Showing gratitude to others can be easy and quick, most inexpensive ways to keep anxiety at bay.

It helps calm the mood and takes the focus off yourself. Being kind to someone, produces a contagious smile.

You are most likely causing them to smile and if you see that smile for yourself, you know that you made someone happy and you made yourself happy.

With all the stress that we face each day be it sitting in traffic for many hours on your way to work in the morning, a small act of kindness can turn things around and reduces the stress level a bit.

The moment you focus on doing an act of kindness to someone, it helps you get a break from your own problems hence resulting to you having that feeling of happiness.

Helping someone in your own little way is a big factor on your daily life leading you to have that feeling of happiness.

6. Schedule something fun.

How about planning a day trip out of town? Or inviting friends over for a movie night or dinner at this new restaurant you saw on facebook?

Looking forward to a long road trip or traveling to your next dream destination is one thing that can hype you up and bring up your excitement.

Having something to look forward gives you a good feeling and will also give you an "Atmosphere of growth” to your life, because the future seems bright.

Anticipation is the key, by having something to look forward to, no matter what the conflicts are, as long as it will bring happiness into your life well before the event actually takes place.

Sometimes, the happiness in anticipation is greater that the happiness that you will experience in that moment.

7. Get enough sleep.

As an adult, research shows we need to have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep for the body and mind to fully rest.

We all know that without enough sleep our body and mind cannot function without enough of it.

That's easy to say, most of you may be thinking, who has the time to sleep when you got loads of work to do to make a living?

If you think that the hours of lost sleep to finish your work related projects, then how about consider the effect it will bring to your daily happiness than getting one extra hour of sleep a night?

They don't call it beauty rest for nothing as anyone who wakes up with a dark under-eye circles and sallow skin can attest.

Our body and mind needs a lot of resting so it can do its process of repairing and releasing the growth hormones that are needed by our body.

Many of these are fixing damaged tissues including the skin. If you don't get enough sleep, you are risking the boosted levels of stress hormones, which can wreck your skin and age prematurely.

Even by just taking a 30 minute nap between the day can give you the feeling of happiness

8. Talk to a friend or Call someone.

Social contact is a main contributor to happiness. It doesn't really have to be a phone call, it can be an email or even sending them a message and asking them how they are doing can make a big difference and can bring out the happiness in you.

This small gesture can show your friend that you really care about him/her and want to know what's happening with his/her life at the moment.

Asking how they're day is doing and what he/she has been up to, can give you an exchange of conversation that you both can benefit from and get that feeling of happiness.

Taking some time to show interest in your friend without wanting anything in return will both brighten up your day.


8 Activities to Harness Joy

8 Activities to Harness Joy

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”
― Nicolas Chamfort

Articles about happiness are confusing. Every one of them says different things. But sure, there are some that overlap. And with these overlapping ideas, we can draw a hypothesis about what really works.

This article is an attempt to tell you what will work…

If you want to actively pursue happiness and joy.

Before we begin, you learn more about the Wired For Joy Program Here: (Affiliate link)

8 Activities to Wire Yourself for More Joy

1. Take Time to Laugh

Really take the time to savor every laugh. Feel the joy rushing through you. Laugh it out. Don’t take that moment for granted. You may have lots of it. But savor every moment.

At times when you’re feeling low…

Remember these moments when you’re laughing…

And these will be your anchor to keep going.

2. You laugh and smile because you’re happy. But sometimes it works the other way around.

Yes, we laugh and smile because we’re feeling good. But it can also work the other way around.

When you’re feeling a bit lonely, try to make a way to make yourself smile. Have a cup of tea, watch a funny video.

There’s one research I’ve heard or seen somewhere that putting a pencil in between your teeth…

Therefore making your face do a smiling gesture…

Makes you ‘feel’ happier. Don’t believe me? Then try it!

3. Create ‘happiness routines’ and stick to them. Fulfillment can make you happy.

Everything will run smoothly if it’s systematized. Businesses, families, communities…

Think of airports.

Your happiness can also be systematized.


Make a ‘happiness routine’, this is a group of activities you can do every day.

Your happiness routine should include healthy activities…

Some of which I’ll be discussing more later.

Basically, your happiness routine will make you feel fulfilled when you’ve done them correctly.

It will start your day right, and if you manage to keep that momentum going…

You’ll feel that you’re in a state of happiness throughout the day.

Even if the day throws something unexpected at you… You’ll be able to handle them with grace.

This routine can be done in the morning ideally, but you can also have happiness routine in the evening…

This is so you’re better prepared for the next day.

4. Don’t forget exercise.

Exercise is something you can add to your happiness routine.

There are countless studies on how exercise can make your happiness chemicals fire (dopamine, endorphins, etc.).

When you include exercise to your happiness routine, you’ll greatly enjoy the benefits. Not to mention it will also make you healthier.

An 8-minute exercise will work. As long as you can get your heart beating faster and get a little sweat out…

It doesn’t matter if it’s 5 minutes or 8 minutes or 30 minutes…

Although yes, the longer the better, but consistency is more important.

5. Eat nutritious foods.

If you think eating can’t make you happier, think again…

The right nutrients can help your brain fire up more happiness chemicals.

There are studies linking diet and exercise to depression. And there’s a reason why.

With that said, I’m not here to tell you what to eat…

You already know what’s nutritious and what’s not.

But Mediterranean diet is known to have these effects.

6. Take care of your relationships.

Stress in the family equals stress in your life. Make sure your relationships are always in check. This can be really helpful.

Taking care of your relationship means putting in the effort. The effort to make the people in your life as happy as possible.

This is easier said than done. You might have resentments against each other…

Unsolved issues and problems…

Or maybe sometimes you can’t handle arguments well, etc. There can be a lot of issues.

But without resolving all these, that icky feeling will stay there and be bothersome.

Your efforts to do this will be worth it.

7. Spend most of your time with happy people.

A healthy environment that supports your desire is important. This applies to everything.

If you want to get financially ahead, spend more time with people who are financially doing well.

If you want to get fit, spend more time with fit people.

Listening to well meaning advice of people who aren’t where you are will only diminish your chances.

This applies to happiness too.

People who always complain and whine will spread negativity like a virus. Guard yourself. Your happiness is important.

This doesn’t mean you’ll stop seeing these people…

But you can try ‘loving them from afar’ or simply spend less time with them.

8. Practice mindfulness

This is also another thing to add to your happiness routine.

Mindfulness increases your ability to deal with stress and focus on the present.

By doing so, you’ll be more capable of unneeded stress of the past and anxiety of the present.

Learn how to do mindfulness meditation. That’s the best way to practice mindfulness.

Remember to check out the Wired For Joy Program Here: (Affiliate Link)

End Addiction

What Addiction Looks Like To The Brain (And How To Break Free)


What Addiction Looks Like To The Brain (And How To Break Free)

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Addiction means craving for something intensely.

Addicts lose control of themselves. They lose control over how they use a substance. Whether it’s drug, alcohol, tobacco, gaming, or even shopping….

…addicts want them despite the possible unfavorable consequences.

Addiction changes the brain. And while it seems hopeless and it’s tough to break free, it’s possible.

For the longest time, scientists believed that only alcohol and powerful drugs can cause addiction.

But recent studies show that certain pleasurable activities such as gambling, shopping, or gaming can have the same effect on the brain.

While addictions can present itself in different forms, they’re basically the same to a degree.

The brain registers pleasure the same way. Whether it’s a nice meal, a monetary reward, or a drug. In the brain, this means releasing the neurotransmitter called dopamine.

Dopamine release is consistently tied in with pleasure. Addictions release dopamine in the brain powerfully, consistently, reliably, and quickly.

This faster and more powerful dopamine release will more likely lead to an addiction.

How do you know you’re addicted?

Three things: you’re intensely craving for that substance, you’re losing control, and you’re disregarding the possible adverse consequences.

Need some help in ending your addiction?

Check this out:

End Addiction Self-Hypnosis Program: Put an End to Addiction for Good and Live Each Day with Maximum Health, Clarity, and Joy! (Affiliate link)


Because these addictive activities can release much more amount of dopamine, it gets overwhelmed. And what the brain will do is produce less dopamine.

As the user takes more of the substance or does more of the activity, the dopamine hit lessens. And in time, the addict will need to take more of it to feel the dopamine hit, or the ‘high’.

This will be a downward spiral from here on, until the addict steps up.

How to Break Free from Addiction:

This can be a focus of another article on its own.

This process can be difficult, not just for the users or the addict, but those who are being affected of his/her behavior.

But to simply put…

Addictions begin with triggers. Either stress, anxiety, or any unpleasurable experience. These can cause someone to go to other resorts to deal with challenges in life.

Someone can play videogames for 15 hours a day just to avoid problems. Another person can go to a casino just to avoid problems.

Whatever the activity, or the substance is, they’re rewarding. And they become an escape for someone who is not willing to face the real issues of real life.

After some trigger-reward cycle. The trigger changes. Ring the bell, feed the dog. An alcoholic can be triggered by seeing bottles of liquors.

Again, downward spiral.

So, to put an end to this cycle of trigger-reward. Addicts need to tackle the problem, instead of running away from it. The only thing that addicts need to run away from is their addiction.

This might be easier than done. But I can help you with it.

If you’re an addict, or someone you care about is an addict.

You can help. I’ll tell you more about this later.

The answer is to take your mind off your addictions. And do something productive instead. Your cravings for the substance or the activity can be ‘translated’ into something productive.

First, be aware that you’re feeling the urge. But don’t give in. Instead, do something empowering and productive.

I’ll say this again. This is easier said than done, especially if you’re an addict. It takes a lot of power, and it still might not be enough. Relapses can happen. And can trigger the cycle again.

Another path is to get help. Find a therapist, counsellor, or a professional that has the credibility to help you.

The addict needs a community, an accountability partner, and a blueprint or a path to recovery.

The problem is therapists are expensive and they’re time consuming. But I’m here to provide you a shortcut.

Dr. Steve G. Jones, a licensed clinical hypnotherapist, developed a program that can help you, or someone you love.

Self-hypnosis might be the answer you’re looking for. These self-hypnosis tracks can speak directly to your sub-conscious mind and rewire them.

If you’re addicted to one of these:

  • Smoking
  • Sugar
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Shopping
  • Gambling
  • TV
  • Gaming
  • Binge Eating

Then Dr. Steve G. Jones can help you. You only need 21 days for these tracks to do its magic. I can tell you more about how the program works but I know Dr. Steve can explain it better.

More details about Dr. Steve and the program can be found here:

End Addiction Self-Hypnosis Program: Put an End to Addiction for Good and Live Each Day with Maximum Health, Clarity, and Joy! (Affiliate link)

I wish you good luck!


Soaring Success

8 Tips to Soar with Success

8 Tips to Soar with Success

By Dr. Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down.”
― Abraham Lincoln

Everyone craves success, and generally, financial success.

But success in other areas of life is important too. And in this article…

I’ll provide you some tips on how to be successful in life, in general.

Before we begin, I want you to check out Soaring Success program here: (Affiliate Link)

8 Tips to Soar with Success

1. Find Your WHY

The first thing to do if you want success in anything…

Is to have a reason why.

Why would you want to be successful at something?

Is it to impress someone or your friends?

Or to feel more life fulfillment?

It can be satisfying to be successful at something…

But without any real reason why you’re wanting the success…

A lot of things can happen.

Your dreams can crumble down as you hit some minor roadblocks…

Just because you weren’t founded on your reasons.

Or maybe when you get tired, you won’t take action…

Or when you’re distracted, you’ll procrastinate.

It’s your BIG REASON that will push you throughout your journey…

No matter how hard… no matter how painful.

This is your foundation. If you know you’re founded on solid reasons, your dreams won’t go crumbling down easily.

And if you don’t have a foundation, even the slightest earthquakes can bring you down.

2. Stick to Your WHY

Once you found your WHY…

Stick to that.

I’ve mentioned before that your WHY will put you through any challenge…

Only if you stick to it.

You see, some people take action because they’re motivated.

While some people take action because they have a reason to.

Everyone feels unmotivated every now and then.

There are days when you don’t feel like getting up at all.

But you have to. And if you’ll count on your motivation to fuel you on those days…

You’ll be dragging yourself to do what you don’t ‘feel’ like doing.

So it’s a lot better to ground yourself on your WHY. So at times like these…

You’ll be more energized to take action and show up.

3. Find a Blueprint and a Mentor

Now you have your reasons. You need a roadmap to get where you want to go.

If it’s weight loss, you need a diet plan or a workout plan.

If it’s money, you need to work on a ‘wealth’ blueprint.

You also need someone to guide you through the roadmap or the blueprint.

You need someone who’s been there before. Not just someone teaching for money.

You need someone with experience. Someone who really went through what you’re going through.

If you don’t have local or personal access to these people…

You can always buy their books, listen to their podcasts, audiobooks, etc.

The point is to have someone to look up to, who has been where you were before. And is massively successful…

…or at least, the level of success you want to have.

4. Systematize Everything

Now that you have a mentor, a blueprint, and a reason to go forward…

You need to systematize everything.

In reality, this is not the only area of your life you need to focus on.

For example, you want to get rich…

But you also have to focus on your family, on your friends, and other commitments.

So you need to systematize everything to have a balanced and rich life.

Ideally, you should work in these areas:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Finances & Wealth
  • Friends & Family
  • Fun, Recreation and Entertainment
  • Love Life
  • Personal/Spiritual Development
  • Career/Business
  • Physical Environment

A balanced life of those 8 elements will be fulfilling for sure…

But take it easy on yourself. I know it can be difficult to juggle everything at once.

5. Focus, Find Your Flow

Now that you have a system, it’s time to get to work.

And while working, focus is a must. You must find your flow.

Flow is when you’re so engrossed in the moment.

How do you know when you found your flow?

You’ll feel energetic, time passes by so fast, and you’re getting a lot done.

When you’re at this stage. Don’t stop working. This is when you’ll be really productive.

How do you find your focus? You can start by working focused for 5 minutes without any distractions.

Then take it easy for another 5 minutes, and then have a focused session again, maybe try 7-10 minutes this time.

If you’re used to entertaining distractions, this can be difficult. But if you want success, you should focus on what you really need to do.

Avoid procrastination, it robs you of your success.

*Reduce the Negativity

Now, it’s time to reduce the negativity.

Note how I used the word ‘reduce’ instead of ‘remove’? In reality, you can’t be 100% positive and good. Negativity will be with you, that’s a fact as long as you’re on the planet.

But that’s no reason for you to put it with all the negativity. Reduce it as much as you can.

Love negative people in your life from afar, don’t let them influence you.

Avoid negative news, events, etc.

7. Stick to One Thing at a Time

As you go through your journey, stick to one thing at a time. Your focus shouldn’t be scattered in every facet of your life. I know there are 8 areas of your life… And you need to work on all these. But prioritize one at a time.

Take it easy on yourself. Because doing everything at once is a sure way to stress yourself out!

Also, you’ll produce better results if you do one thing at a time.

8. Don’t Give Up Too Soon

The last tip I have to give is this…

Don’t give up too soon. There will be times it will seem pointless…

But as long as you’re grounded on your WHY, as discussed above…

You’ll have the strength to go on.

Reality will kick in after the motivation goes down. It’ll be hard and challenging. You’ll find yourself asking if it’s worth it to continue…

Or to quit.

But oftentimes, it’s during these times that you’re about to hit your breakthrough.

So don’t quit. Don’t give up too soon.

Once you have these 8 tips nailed down…

I’m pretty confident you’ll be soaring with success in anything you set your mind to.

So go out there and show the world what you can do.

Don’t forget to check out Soaring Success program here: (Affiliate Link)